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Soyeon sighs happily, stepping out of the shower and drying herself off with a big, fluffy towel. Resisting the urge to wrap herself in the towel like a cape, she reached for her robe instead. While she was having a small dilemma forgetting how to tie a knot, someone urgently banged on her front door, startling her.

Carefully, and well aware that she wasn't dressed properly, she opened the bathroom door and peeked out. Her tensed shoulders slacked and her hands on her robe loosened as she noticed that it was just Yuqi.

"The key's under the doormat, Woogs," she grumbled loud enough for the other girl to hear her, exasperated that she couldn't simply remember that she was always allowed in Soyeon's house. Well then again, Soyeon couldn't even remember how to tie a knot, so she'd say that they were fair.

Yuqi locks the door behind her, panting. Sweat is quite literally dripping down her face, and her fists are clenched tight, holding something in her hands. Soyeon was about to ask what was going on, but then Yuqi hugged her.

Soyeon clenched her teeth, hyper aware of Yuqi's clothes bumping against her naked skin. She pursed her lips, telling herself that this was not a very good time to get turned on. "Yuqi-yah," she pulled her out of the hug, not missing the way the younger's eyes trailed down for a moment before finding their way back to her face, "are you okay?"

Yuqi opened her mouth to speak, but was silenced by police sirens very nearby. Or they could've been ambulance sirens. Or fire trucks. Soyeon didn't really care for studying up on different types of sirens. Yuqi froze, cuddling back for Soyeon again, crying into her untied robe. Considering Yuqi's reaction, she assumed it was police sirens.

"They're going to find me, Soyeon.. Please, help.."

Soyeon furrowed her brows in confusion, but didn't get time to answer before a loud knock sounded at her door. "Hello? This is the police, open up!"

Yuqi ran away to hide, while Soyeon was left with red cheeks, turning away from the door to hurry up and tie her robe. Curses flowed from her mouth as she struggled, and there was another knock. Giving up she held the two sides together as tight as she could and opened the door.

"Oh, um, good evening," she says shyly.

"Yes, good evening, ma'am," he tipped his hat, "have you ever seen this woman?" He held up a picture of Yuqi. Soyeon bit the inside of her cheek, trying everything in her power not to make any sort of expression.

"No, I'm so sorry."

He sighed. "It's fine. Just—" he pulls out another picture of Yuqi from his pocket. "—Take this and contact us if you do see her."

Soyeon smiles kindly, hands shaking. "Of course, officer. Have a good night." She closes the door stiffly and tells Yuqi to come out from whatever hiding place she'd found.

Yuqi pouts, her hands behind her back. "Soyeon, please don't be mad—"

I'm already mad. I lied to a fucking police officer!! "What did you do this time?" She asks, face slightly angry as she clutched the picture that he had given her.

With a small sigh, Yuqi comes closer. She uncurls her fist to reveal a pack of cigarettes.

Soyeon shakes her head in disappointment, taking out her phone. "I'm going to call."

"NO! Soyeon, PLEASE don't do this!"

Soyeon pushed her back a little. "Well maybe you should've thought about the consequences before stealing something. And cigarettes at that!" Soyeon snatched the pack away from Yuqi, annoyed. "These will damage your lungs, Yuqi. And I'm allergic to these, you know?"

"I-I did know. Soyeon, I'm always careful, I don't come to your place right after a smo–"

"It doesn't matter if you're careful or not!" Yuqi shrank back like a kicked puppy. "What matters is that you stole something."

"Baby, I'm sorry–"

"Get in the car."

Yuqi held back a cry, shuffling towards the door to go to Soyeon's car as she waits for Soyeon to get properly dressed. And then they were off to who knows where. Well, only Yuqi doesn't know where? But once the car stopped, she immediately recognized where they were. "Soyeon, please!"

Soyeon shook her head, getting out of the car and walking into the place, leaving an ashamed Yuqi trailing behind her. The police station, that's where they are now, and Soyeon is approaching the front desk. "Hello," she smiled at the receptionist.

"Hi! How may I help you?"

"Well.. I've got the girl you've been looking for here with me."

The woman nodded. "Song Yuqi?"

"Yes. But.. she didn't do anything too wrong did she?"

"It's not too bad, we're just going to give her a fine," the woman reassured her.

Soyeon nodded, tipping her head. "Could we arrange something other than that? You see.. I want to teach her a lesson."


"If you thought I'd be scared, then you're wrong," Yuqi says, sticking her tongue out as she leaned against the bars. Though Soyeon didn't miss the way her eyes flashed with fear when the guard locked the cell.

"I'll come back tomorrow. Goodnight, Yuqi-yah."

"This'll be a piece of cake!" Yuqi yells after her, watching Soyeon leave and the place go completely dark.


Soyeon comes back to the station the next morning as promised, waiting about thirty minutes until someone finally came to her that could unlock Yuqi's cell. She knocked on the bars, startling the younger awake.

"Soyeon!" She rushed forward, wrapping her arms tightly around her middle. Soyeon ruffled her messy hair.

"Piece of cake, huh?" she teased as she could feel her shivering. Yuqi just pouted, letting herself be taken care of as Soyeon led her to the car, fastened her seatbelt and wrapped her in a blanket like a child. "Have you learned your lesson?"

Yuqi nods, clinging to Soyeon's arm while she drove and still shivering.

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