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Yuqi's hands grazed the hem of her shirt, clenching her fists softly as she raised it. The hard muscles on her stomach flexed as she pulled the clothing up, and up, and finally threw it on the floor. She fumbled a little behind herself, sliding her hand up her back and unclasping her bra. It fell to the floor, joining the shirt, and Yuqi's breasts bounced freely as she dug in her closet for a hoodie.

Soyeon closed her mouth that had practically been on the floor. Yuqi is just so.. hot.

It was making her hot as well, sweat clinging to her forehead as she watched Yuqi slip out of her pants. The younger's legs and little fluffy hairs that peeked out from the sides of her underwear were on full display. Soyeon silently cursed in her mind as Yuqi reached for another pair of pants and didn't take off her underwear. Stop, when did my thoughts become so perverted?!

Yuqi sighed happily, finally in cleaner clothes, and that was Soyeon's cue to find herself anything to do other than stare at her. Hurriedly, she grabbed for a book that happened to be near. Yuqi plopped down in the same beanbag next to Soyeon, squishing the older forcibly into her body since the beanbag was not fit for two people. It only caused a rush of heat to flush over Soyeon as she pretended to read the book.

"What'cha doin?" She asked, leaning back and snuggling comfortably into Soyeon. Oh, I hate how cuddly she is...

"Studying," she muttered, not trusting her mouth to say much more than one word.

Yuqi raised an eyebrow at her. "Your book's upside down."

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