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( yuqi g!p skip if u want and not proofread this time because why not )

"And then?" Silence hung in the air as Shuhua smiled wickedly. "..BAM. She murdered him."

"Shu, why do all your scary stories always end in the man being murdered?" Yuqi clenched her chest to feel her own beating heart, brushing off her fear with a joke like always.

"You didn't make a comment through the whole story, Woogs. Just admit that you're scared," Minnie teased.

"I'm not–" Suddenly, before Yuqi could finish her sentence, an almost animalistic growl sounded in the room down the hall.

Shuhua clung to Minnie. "U-unnie what was that?"

Minnie smiled though her fear, knowing that she was the oldest right now. Which means, she should be the most responsible. Emphasis on should. "Who else votes wimpy Yuqi goes to check it out?"

"As long as it's not me," Shuhua murmured.

Yuqi swallowed, looking down the dark hallway of their dorm, her heart pounding. Soojin, Soyeon, and Miyeon stayed in a separate dorm from this one, so that means it wasn't any of them. Goddammit, why does that room down the hallway have to be my room??? "Fine," she whispers.

Minnie pat her softly on the shoulder. "You know, whatever's back there, you have to come back out alive, right? Soyeon's gonna have my head if anything happens to you."

"O-okay." Yuqi turns away from Minnie and Shuhua, a small bead of sweat dripping down her forehead. The further she walked down the hallway, the more she felt like she couldn't breathe. What was that smell? She had no idea. And to make things worse, she could still hear some sort of growling or groaning coming from the room. Her room.

She turned the doorknob slowly, relieved to find that she had left her lamp on. But her expression suddenly fell as she saw what was on her bed. More like who.


Soyeon was on her bed, absolutely naked, fingering herself and seeming to be really close to the edge as the her fingers disappeared inside of herself and came back out again, each time curling a little deeper. She moaned loudly around the edges of her mouth as she bit down hard enough on her bottom lip to draw blood. Yuqi could tell that she was trying her best to keep quiet.

Softly, she closed the door behind her, feeling herself get hard as Soyeon bucked her hips against her own fingers.

Soyeon cried, pushing her fingers as far as she could inside and coming absolutely undone. Sweet, milky liquid spilled onto the sheets, and her fingers moved slowly in and out of her glistening pussy, riding out her orgasm. She let out a content sigh, eyes still closed, pulling out and wiping her hand on Yuqi's sheets.

"Are you planning to wash my sheets?" Yuqi asked, raising a brow.

"Ah, ah!! Get out!!" Soyeon pulled the blanket over herself hurriedly, in a panic.

"It's too late, jagi, I saw all of it."

"You.. you did?" Soyeon swallows, her eyes falling on Yuqi's hard on begging for her to take off her pants. "I.. I.." she sighs sadly, "there's no excuse for what you saw, yes, I was getting off in your room. But, it was only because Miyeon and Soojin kept interrupting me!"

"It's okay, unnie," Yuqi purrs, locking the door. She walks closer to the bed, hovering over Soyeon. Her hands wrap around her own dick over the fabric of her pants, clenching her teeth to hold back a groan as she rubbed herself against her own hands.

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