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Soyeon had just gotten some food for herself and Yuqi since they were going on a picnic.

Yuqi was going to surprise Soyeon so that she wouldn't have to walk all the way to the park carrying food by herself.

Soyeon stepped momentarily into an alley next to the sidewalk. She checks if everything she ordered is in the bags that were given to her.

Then, a tall man holds Soyeon's hands up against the brick wall. The food falls to the ground much to Soyeon's dismay. It was expensive.

The tall man got his free hand and shoved it in Soyeon's pants with a smutty smile. When he saw her he thought she was so beautiful, it made him want to take her away to do dirty things.

Soyeon tried to squirm out of his grasp, but she was too small.

Yuqi was across the street. Her casual walk turned into a run when she saw what was happening.

Long story short, that man laid passed out on the cold ground for a very long time after Yuqi was finished with him (well, she wasn't finished, Soyeon had to drag her away and beg her not to commit murder). And Soyeon never went out alone again. 

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