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"I'm going to head out, is that okay?"

"Sure. Thanks for coming, Soyeon," Minnie smiled, wrapping her arms around her friend. Soyeon gave her a long hug and again congratulated her, before beginning to walk out of Minnie's hotel room.

"Hey. Psst."

Soyeon froze, looking around her. Who was that??

"Over here, dumbass," they whispered. Soyeon was suddenly pulled around the corner, into a different hallway of the hotel. Her breath hitched when she saw who it was. None other than Song Yuqi, the girl she had been avoiding ever since their almost-kiss at another one of Minnie's parties. Yuqi had brushed it off as a joke, but that moment had meant something to Soyeon. Damn Minnie for having so many parties. And damn herself too, for attending all of them.

Soyeon pulled her arm out of Yuqi's grasp and clenched her teeth. "I should probably go home now," she said, walking back around the corner towards the elevator.

"Wait! You can't go yet," Yuqi called, going after her.

Soyeon turned around angrily. "Why can't I?" Oh, fuck... Yuqi's face was so close to her own. She had to find a way to get out of this situation. But..

"We barely got to talk." Soyeon could tell that Yuqi was trying to be serious, but even her eyes showed that the girl was pouting inside. "You haven't talked to me since—"

Someone passed them in the hallway, on their way to their hotel room, causing Yuqi to halt halfway through her sentence. Since what, Yuqi? Are you going to say since Minnie's Halloween party? Or our almost kiss?

"Do you.. Want to come to my place? We can talk there," Soyeon tugged a tuft of her own hair behind her ear, looking at her feet nervously.

"That'd be nice," Yuqi smiled softly, extending her hand for Soyeon to take.

God, this girl... Soyeon sighed and took Yuqi's hand and let the Beijing girl lead her to the elevator. No matter what had happened between them, it seemed that she'd still be as clingy as she always is.

They stepped in the elevator together and watched the doors close. Suspiciously, the machine didn't move an inch, no matter which button Yuqi violently pressed. Oh, I knew I'd used up all my luck when I managed to not burn a single one of my pancakes this morning...

Soyeon felt Yuqi's hand clutch her's harder. "Are you.. Comfortable being alone with me?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" In truth, Soyeon was panicking, being trapped inside this elevator alone with her longtime crush that very easily turned their almost-kiss into a joke.

"But you've been avoiding me," Yuqi's pout was finally shown, "I miss being around you, Soyeon."

She couldn't take this anymore, she didn't care if she lost her friendship with Yuqi, she needed to get this out now or she'd go insane. "If you miss me so much, why did you turn our special moment into a joke?" Soyeon furrowed her brows, thinking about pulling her hand away from Yuqi's. She decides not to, so she instead continues, "That hurt my feeli—"

She couldn't even get out another word before Yuqi's lips crashed against hers. Soyeon stumbled, her back hitting one of the cold metal walls of the elevator. She quickly found her balance and kissed Yuqi back, bringing her arms up to hold onto the other's neck. Yuqi's lips were addicting, no matter how chapped and alcohol flavored they were.

Yuqi flicked her tongue against Soyeon's bottom lip, and the older immediately tipped her head down slightly to allow Yuqi's tongue inside of her mouth. Soyeon groaned as Yuqi's hot, wet tongue touched her own, running her fingers through the younger's silky hair.

That night, after the elevator was repaired, Yuqi stayed at Soyeon's place. The two stayed up very late talking about when their attraction for each other first started.

The following morning, Soyeon woke up to Yuqi spooning her from behind. She shifted a little to turn to face Yuqi. She drank in the sight of the other in oversized clothes, hair unbrushed, face still holding a few kiss marks from last night. That's when Soyeon realized, this is how I want to wake up every morning for the rest of my life.

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