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Soyeon woke up on a Saturday morning with a throbbing headache. She groaned, knowing that it must have been because she had been dragged by Shuhua and Minnie to a rock concert yesterday. She rolled over in her bed, her ears sensitive to even the blankets shifting, the pain unbearable. She walked out of her room, every step heavy, to the bathroom to get some painkillers.

Yuqi, in the living room, perked up when she heard cluttering in the bathroom. She had been waiting for Soyeon to wake up since she wanted to talk to someone. Once her lover came out of the bathroom, she waved her to come and sit on the couch with her, but Soyeon shook her head 'no'.

"Headache," was all she said before going back to their room.

Yuqi slumped down into the couch cushions, disappointed. Soyeon hadn't been with her all day yesterday because she had been at the concert with Shuhua and Minnie. And now she hasn't talked to her today? Loneliness gnawed at Yuqi's insides and she really wanted to talk to Soyeon.

Meanwhile, Soyeon sat in their bed, hoping that the painkillers would work, even though she figured her headache was too strong. She knew how much Yuqi wanted to talk to her, and it made her feel guilty since she knows how her lover doesn't like to be left alone. She feels torn between her own pain and Yuqi's needs. Soyeon sighed, this was only making her head hurt even more. Then, she comes up with a plan.

A little later, unable to take it anymore, Yuqi comes into the room. But, before she can even open her mouth, Soyeon gently places a finger on her lips, signaling silence. Soyeon leads her to their reading nook, plopping herself down on the fluffy couch.

She motioned for Yuqi to sit next to her when she saw the younger looking confused. She takes a book from the shelf and starts silently mouthing the words as if she were reading out loud, but no sound escapes her lips. Yuqi, puzzled at first, realizes that Soyeon is trying to convey her affection without speaking since she must be in a lot of pain.

As Soyeon continues to 'read' the story in silence, Yuqi watches, grateful for the sacrifice she is making to give Yuqi her much needed attention.

When they reach chapter two, Yuqi takes Soyeon's hand and places it tenderly against her cheek. She gently guides Soyeon's fingers to her lips, mimicking a whisper, but not actually speaking. Understanding, Soyeon leans forward, her brows pinched together with both pain and anticipation.

In that hushed moment, their lips meet in a soft, gentle kiss. Soyeon's headache momentarily vanishes, and Yuqi isn't lonely at all anymore.

(A/N: if you don't understand this one, don't worry, i don't either ಥ_ಥ it made much more sense when i wrote it but now i don't really understand what soyeon was trying to do, so.. interpret it in your own way i guess..)

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