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Soyeon frowned, clinging to Yuqi's arm as they made their way to their bedroom from the couch in the dark. Yuqi had convinced her to watch this horror movie before bed, and she very much regretted it.

"Ah, fuck, fuck!" Soyeon exclaimed, shutting her eyes tight as she huddled closer to Yuqi. She had seen a shadow on the wall that had spooked the shit out of her.

"Scared?" Yuqi felt bad for Soyeon for being so afraid of the movie, but she couldn't help but chuckle when Soyeon didn't let go of her arm even when they had reached their bed.

"Why is this dorm so dark?" Soyeon muttered, flashing her phone's light across the room. She pursed her lips as her sweep of the room with the light landed on the closet, which was open. "Can you close the closet?" Soyeon asks, looking into the dark closet, her eyes full of fear.

"Of course, jagi," Yuqi responds, closing the closet's sliding door before getting comfortable in their shared bed. The movie that they had watched involved a scary monster who hides in people's closets and if your closet opens by itself, then the monster will get you. Soyeon was terrified.

They both laid in bed, Yuqi almost drifting off until Soyeon, who couldn't sleep, sat up. "I'm going to say goodnight to the others."

Yuqi turned in the bed sleepily, "Be careful not to trip in the hallway, baby." She was worried since it was very dark and Soyeon was wearing Yuqi's nighttime robe, which was too big for her, so it reached the floor.


Yuqi winced when she heard a small thud in the hallway, hoping that Soyeon was alright. Then, she got an idea. She stood up and mischievously opened the closet again, getting back in bed quietly.

A few moments later, Yuqi heard small footsteps. They stopped halfway into the room and Yuqi listened. She almost jumped when she felt frantic tapping on her shoulder. She pretended to be asleep, letting out a small groan.

"Yuqi?" Soyeon says, shaking her girlfriend awake. "Yuqi, did you open the closet?"

Yuqi blinks open her eyes and gives Soyeon the most confused look that she can muster. "No? I was literally sleeping before you woke me up."

Soyeon takes a deep breath before crawling into bed with her. Shaky hands curl around Yuqi's waist, and she could hear Soyeon's fearful breathing. It hadn't even been two minutes before Soyeon lets out a scared whimper. "Jagi... I can't sleep."

"Why not?" Yuqi murmurs, giving the hand laid across her stomach a comforting rub.

"I-I'm scared..."

Surprised to hear Soyeon's trembling voice, on the verge of crying, Yuqi turned to face her. I only wanted to tease her, but I guess she's really scared.., she thinks, not wanting to cause Soyeon any hurt. She caresses Soyeon's face softly. "Don't be scared, alright? I'm here to protect you. I'm sorry, baby, I opened the closet again to mess with you."

...And that night Yuqi sported a light slap mark on her arm while she slept on the couch, her lips left goodnight-kissless. 

( A/N: if anyone scared me like this i'd cry ... anyways do you guys celebrate Halloween? Are you dressing up? Comment your costume if you are and if not maybe share what you'll be doing on the 31st? :> )

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