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After a long day of work, Soyeon came home and went into the bathroom to do what she's been dreaming about all day. A nice, hot bath. She switched the faucet on and stripped her clothes. Soyeon dipped her feet into the tub, then sat as she waited for the water to get warmer.

It didn't.

"Seriously?! What's wrong with this thing??" Soyeon turned the water on and off to no avail, frustrated. Has someone in their building used up all the hot water?

"Everything okay in there?" Yuqi knocked on the door worriedly.

Soyeon climbed out of the tub with a sigh and covered herself with a towel before opening the door. "All of the hot water's gone." Soyeon whined.

Yuqi smiled at Soyeon's cute pout. "I'll be right back." Soyeon waited, wondering, what that fuck could she be doing?

Then Yuqi came back with one of their cooking pots, it was filled to the brim with hot water. Soyeon stepped aside and watched the younger empty some of the cold water from the tub before pouring in the hot. She kept coming back with hot water that was in almost every pot they owned, until the bathtub was finally full and steaming.

Yuqi set the last pot in the kitchen, and walked back into the bathroom to help Soyeon. She carefully undid the knot that Soyeon had made in her towel, the fluffy item falling to the floor. Yuqi took her hand and led Soyeon into the tub, grabbing her favorite bubble bath mix from the cabinet.

She poured it in the water and swished her hand around—a little violently—so that large bubbles began to form.

Soyeon sighed happily, thinking that Yuqi must have boiled all this water on the stove before she was done with work. "Thank you."

"Of course," Yuqi murmured, giving Soyeon a kiss on her forehead before leaving her to relax.

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