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"Is anyone in there?" Soyeon knocked on the bathroom door with annoyance. She could hear someone humming on the other side, and they had been in there for a while. Who is even in the bathroom for so long?? She questioned herself, giving up and just opening the door. She really just needed some lotion since her hands were so dry.

She coughed a bit at the amount of shower steam swirling around in the room as she dug in the drawer for lotion, hoping whoever was in here wouldn't mind her just getting this. While she closed the drawer to look in a different one for lotion she smiled to herself, finding the tune nice that was being hummed. She decided to guess it was her girlfriend Yuqi in here based on the song.

Finally, she found a lotion, but.. Are you serious?? She threw the empty lotion bottle in the trash, making a mental note to have a meeting at dinner time to talk about if you've used all of something, throw it away. She was about to give up and go to the store when the shower curtain opened and Yuqi stepped out, reaching for a towel.

Soyeon turned her head, "Hey, have you seen any lotio— AH!?" Soyeon's mouth gaped in shock as she stared at the thick appendage dangling in between Yuqi's legs.

"Shit," Yuqi covered herself with the towel, embarrassed. "Uhm, w-what did you need?"

Soyeon backed out of the room, "No, it's alright.." She says with an odd chuckle, closing the door behind her and scurrying back to her room.

She sat in her bed, trying to ignore the heat pooling straight to her center the longer she thought about whatever that thing was. She took a deep breath, heading out of her room and into the kitchen to start on dinner. She washed her hands, the water temporarily relieving her dry hands. Soyeon began to take out ingredients, starting on shredding chicken and chopping up — ugh — vegetables such as carrots and celery. She decided that they should be fine when cooked even though she didn't like them. And anyways, she had to do this for Minnie, who is sick right now.

Before she finishes cutting the vegetables, she boils a pot of water on the stove and picks out a type of pasta from the cabinet out of the three that they owned.

A little while later, when Soyeon had finished cutting the vegetables, Yuqi walked into the room, on her phone. She sat down at the table, legs spread comfortably as she scrolled through her Insta. Soyeon dumped the vegetables into the pot, her eyes wandering to in between Yuqi's legs. She could clearly see the bulge in the younger's pants, and she turned away, wondering how she'd never noticed.

"Why are you being weird?" Yuqi suddenly asked, looking up from her phone.

"What? I'm not," Soyeon denied, adding the chicken to the pot as well.

"Look, I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner, alright? You would have acted like this no matter when I told you though."

"Acted like what?"

Yuqi rested her face on her hand with a sigh. "Like you're disgusted or something? Are you uncomfortable with it?"

Soyeon swallowed, turning to Yuqi to apologize. "Sorry, no, I'm not uncomfortable."

"Well then can you stop looking at it?" Yuqi chuckled awkwardly, closing her legs.

"It's just– you've always had that?"

"Yeah." Yuqi shrugged like it was no big deal, going back to her phone as she left Soyeon in the middle of the kitchen. Still wondering why she's known Yuqi almost all her life and has never known about this.

"So how is it that I'm your girlfriend of many years and I've never seen you naked?" She suddenly wondered aloud.

Yuqi made a stinky face. "Whenever I try to ask you about that you just call me horny teen and say we'll do it sometime else."

"Well now that I know you have that.. I.. I.."

"What, are you scared of my dick?"

"Well.." Soyeon pursed her lips, "yes."

A soft smile played on Yuqi's lips. "It's not going to hurt you. Listen, we don't ever have to have sex if you don't want to. I won't force you to do something you don't want to do."

"It's not that.. It's just.. I don't know what it feels like to be filled up like.. Like that.."

Yuqi shrugs again. "I guess you'll never know unless you try it."

Soyeon lets out a small sigh and continues to make dinner. She filled a cup with cold water from the sink, pouring it slowly into the pot and repeating the action about four times before adding chicken broth cubes. She mixed it with a metal spoon, the nice smell of chicken noodle soup filling the dorm pleasantly. Adding pepper to taste, she brought a spoonful over to Yuqi, the younger happily tasting it and praising her for her cooking skills. Soyeon wouldn't tell her that it was the only recipe she knew.

She leaned into Yuqi, tired from standing and cooking. "Maybe we could try it," she mumbled, "will it hurt?"

Yuqi patted her affectionately on the shoulder, sucking in a deep breath. "I actually don't know. But whatever happens, I'll be gentle."

"Gentle with what?" A sleepy Minnie waddled into the kitchen, clutching a blanket.

"I meant with having se—"

"Minnie-unnie, I made soup for you," Soyeon flashed Yuqi an angry look before turning to the Thai and giving her a sweet hug. The older hummed quietly, happy. That is, until she sneezed and Soyeon hurried to serve up a bowl for her.

The rest of the night went fairly well, Miyeon back from driving Soojin around for her solo activities, and Shuhua announcing that she was also sick. Once the night was almost over, Soyeon changed into pajamas, happy that Yuqi would be her roommate tonight. Shuhua was her previous roommate, but now that she was sick, she went to sleep with Minnie.

Yuqi stretched in the bed, waiting for Soyeon. Soyeon slowly draped the blanket over herself, turning around and getting comfortable. Yuqi's arms wrapped around her middle, riding her shirt up her stomach a little. She was about to drift off to sleep, until Yuqi shifted, and Soyeon could feel something hard pressing up against her ass.

About to ask what was happening, Soyeon quickly figured it out, distressed to feel more heat pooling downwards as Yuqi shifted again, rubbing it against her.

"Yuqi.." She said quietly, not sure the younger realized what was happening.

"Hmm?" she murmured, sleepy.

"Your.. your um.." Soyeon tried to move, but Yuqi's grip only caused it to press harder on her. Fuck, Jeon Soyeon, stop getting turned on by this, she scolded herself. Instead, she turned around to face Yuqi, sighing into her neck. She snuggled closer, deciding that she'd have to get used to the idea of this as she fell into a slightly uneasy sleep. 

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