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"Who's that girl over there?" Yuqi slurs, leaning heavily on Minnie.

Minnie rolls her eyes, taking Yuqi's drink away from her. "You literally live with Soyeon! You've had enough to drink."

"Nooooo," Yuqi whines, "you said I could do whatever I wanted todaayyyy."

"You're going to yell at me tomorrow complaining you have a terrible headache, so, no more."

Yuqi quickly forgets about the drinks once her eyes land on Soyeon again, and she decides that she should go up to her. "Hey, cutie," Yuqi starts, a slightly loopy smile spreading on her face.

"Ready to leave, birthday girl?" Soyeon shoots her a playful grin.

"Leave? We should go to your house and.." Yuqi winks at her, coming closer. "You single?"

She chuckles. "No, I have a girlfriend."

Yuqi's face falls, her smile transforming into a pout as she slowly nods and steps away. "Minnie-unnieeeee," she cries.

"What, pabo?"

"No one wants to date meee," Yuqi hiccuped, clinging to Minnie's arm.

Minnie took a deep breath. "And this is the last time I bring you to a place like this for your birthday."


"Good morning," Soyeon says, rubbing her cheek tenderly.

"Arrghhh," Yuqi moans, burying her face in her pillow. "It's hurts like a bitch..."

"'It's hurts'? Oh, Yuqi... what did you even do last night?"

Yuqi pouts. "I met this girl, and she was so pr—" she stops, mouth open when she realizes what she's done. She talked to another woman!! And she already has a girlfriend!! "Soyeon, I'm sorry!" She cries, scooting forward quickly to hug her. "I'm so, so sorry.."

"For what?"

"I talked to someone last night, an-and.. I was going to do something with her.. but thankfully she had a girlfriend, nothing happened I swear!"

"Tsk," Soyeon flicks her softly on the forehead, "Minnie's right, you are an idiot."

( A/N: you guys understand what happened, right? lmao )

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