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( A/N: chapter 150 :> i couldn't think of anything special to do tho )

Yuqi stands on the very tips of her toes, trying desperately to reach to the top of the cabinet for the chocolate chips that Minnie had taken away from her because she had been "eating them in unhealthy amounts." She falls back onto her feet with a pout. Why did she put them so high up? What was even worse, Minnie had also hidden the stepstool. She debates standing on the counter, but if someone catches her, she'd most likely be punished to clean them. Yuqi stares up at the chocolate chips with determination. Maybe I can jump!

She freezes when she hears footsteps and just knows that she's going to get a scolding if Minnie catches her. But, thankfully the world is on her side as Soyeon walks into the kitchen, empty coffee cup in hand. The older sets it into the trash before giving Yuqi an odd glance and turning to leave.

"Unnie!" Yuqi calls her back, her tone whiny. Soyeon steps back into the kitchen with a small sigh. Yuqi knew she was working and didn't want to be bothered, so she offered her something. "If you help me, I'll get you some more coffee."

"So, what do I have to do?" Soyeon perks up a little, taking another step towards the younger.

She points sadly to the chocolate chips on the highest shelf in the cabinet. "Can you help me reach this?"

Soyeon raises her brow. "If you can't reach it, what makes you think that I can?"

Yuqi purses her lips and widens her eyes cutely. "Pleaseee... you can do anything, can't you?"

With a roll of her eyes, Soyeon taps her knuckles under the cabinet, then on the inside of the first shelf. And, being on the very edge of the shelf, the chocolate chips practically tumble down into Yuqi's hands.

"YAY!! Thank you, thank you so much!" She hugs Soyeon tightly, squealing with delight.

Soyeon digs in her pocket for a moment and hands her the keys to their car, slithering out of the hug.

"What's this for?"

Soyeon looks at her pointedly. "My coffee."

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