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Yuqi blinked sleepily and looked over at Soyeon who was sprawled out on the carpet, staring at a blank google doc on her laptop. "Soyeonnie," she made grabby hands towards her girlfriend, wanting cuddles, "did you stay awake all night?"

Soyeon rubs her eyes, and shakes away any tiredness. "No, I just woke up" she lies.

"Come here," Yuqi motions again, almost pouting now.

"I have to finish, just give me a minute."

Yuqi sighed, knowing that there was almost no talking Soyeon out of it if she was writing lyrics. But, she had to try. "Come on, you're literally staring at a blank screen, Soyeon-ah."

"That's the thing." Soyeon closed the laptop and pushed it away roughly, almost smashing it into the wall. She buried her face in the carpet, curling up into a little ball.

"Yah, what's wrong?" Yuqi sat up, shivering slightly with the sudden absence of the blanket. She was a songwriter too, she understood writer's block. But she's never seen Soyeon get so sad to the point of tears over lyrics. "Hey, hey, we just had a comeback, don't worry about that now," she says softly, getting out of bed to sit on the floor next to her.

"I'm not sad over any lyrics," Soyeon sighed. "I just.. Nevermind."

"What's wrong, then?" Yuqi rubs her back soothingly, and thankfully, her tears stop.

"I can't tell you..."

Yuqi frowns. "You can tell me anything."

Soyeon hesitates for a few seconds before breaking, curling up against Yuqi, her head resting on the younger's shoulder. "I can't think of a present to give you for your birthday and I'm your girlfriend for fucks sake! All of the members have already bought gifts for you... So does that mean they know you better than I do?" Soyeon cried into Yuqi's neck, "I'm a bad girlfriend, aren't I?"

Yuqi blushed a little. This is what she was crying over? So cute.. "Awwwe, Jagi... You don't have to get me anything."

"Really?" Soyeon blinked back any more tears and looked at Yuqi skeptically.

"Really," Yuqi snuggled into Soyeon tight, "Just you right here in my arms makes me happier than any gift anyone could ever give me."

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