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Miyeon spun the empty soju bottle, and it landed on Soyeon. Miyeon smiled excitedly while Yuqi and Minnie let out excited woo's since it was the first time that it had landed on their leader. "Soyeon, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Soyeon decided, bracing herself.

Miyeon thought for a few moments before her eyes lit up with an idea. "Where is the craziest place and time you've banged someone?"

Soyeon choked a little at the question, but responded anyway. "In the dorms.. When everyone was there."

All of the members looked at Soyeon with shock (except for Shuhua, she was confused). "With who?" Minnie questioned, forgetting about the game.

"Me." Someone replied sheepishly. Eyes turned to Yuqi, then Soyeon, then Yuqi again.

"Jinjin, what does banged mean?" Shuhua asked innocently. Soojin grabbed her hand and led Shuhua away from the little truth or dare circle, chuckling awkwardly.

Miyeon was silent, unable to process the information properly. "You two.. You know... did that when we were all present at the dorms?"

"Yes," Soyeon replied, a light pink hue beginning to dust her cheeks.

Minnie's eyes widened with a horrible realization. "So that wasn't spilled food you guys had me clean off Yuqi's bed?? That was—" she cut herself off, a disgusted expression showing clearly on her face.

"I think we should keep some things private from each other, right? Let's not play this game ever again," Miyeon softly suggested.

Yuqi and Soyeon just laughed, amused with how the members took the news. 

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