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Soyeon sneezed, cold. She stood in the middle of the living room, shivering, and wishing they'd had some spare money to buy a heater. Suddenly, something warm and fuzzy was wrapped around her.

"Heyy," Yuqi says, hugging her from behind.

"How did you know I was cold?" Soyeon asks, leaning into the soft, fluffy blanket that she was currently being embraced with, confident that Yuqi was strong enough to hold her.

"Well how are you not cold insisting to wear shorts and a tank top in winter?" Yuqi released her from the hug, making sure the blanket didn't fall off of Soyeon's shoulders. Almost like a cape.

Soyeon made puppy eyes at her. "Can I borrow some of your clothes?"

Yuqi gave her a look. "You mean steal?"

"We can share," Soyeon suggested.

"Yeah, like we 'shared' those chocolates," Yuqi rolled her eyes.

"That was one time!!"

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