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Minnie walked into the dorm with a solemn face and closed the door behind her.

"How much water do we get?" Miyeon asked. It was the question at the top of everyone's mind.

Minnie sighed, "They said that we only get enough for five people."

"But we're six," Soyeon pointed out, furrowing her brow as she realized what this means. Either one of them had to go without showering every day for the next month while they were in this dorm, or—

"Do a pair of us have to shower together?" Miyeon bites her bottom lip nervously.

Shuhua turns to Soojin and wiggled her eyebrows up and down with a cheeky smirk. "Could be us, Jin-ah."

Soojin unlinked her arm from Shuhua's. "Oh, fuck no."

"Let's handle this like adults, okay?" Soyeon motioned for them to be quiet so that she could explain her idea. "We'll do rock, paper, scissors. Soojin and I, Minnie and Shuhua, Yuqi and Miyeon. Whoever wins is safe, and three losers will play each other. The two left will shower together." Soyeon looked at everyone to make sure none of them thought that this was a bad idea. "Fair?"

"Sounds good," Miyeon commented.

"Yeah," Shuhua agreed.

Yuqi pursed her lips worriedly but muttered an "okay," anyways.

So, Soojin went up against Soyeon, Minnie against Shuhua, and Yuqi against Miyeon. Soojin, Shuhua, and Miyeon won, leaving only Soyeon, Yuqi, and Minnie.

Soyeon took a deep breath. "Okay, Miyeon, you count."

"Kowi, bowi, bo!" Miyeon shouted.

Soyeon and Yuqi had both drawn scissors, and Minnie had her fist in a ball for rock. Everyone was quiet for a moment, before Shuhua murmured, "Well, I guess it's decided then."


"Soyeon?" Yuqi sat on the older's bed grumpily.

"What?" Soyeon pulled off her headphones and closed her notebook.

"You've been avoiding me all day today since practice, but I feel really sweaty. I need to take a shower."

"Then go take one," Soyeon was about to put her headphones back on, but Yuqi stopped her.

"Unnie, you didn't take a shower yesterday when the thing was decided with rock, paper, scissors. You need to take one today, and we have to do it together." Yuqi had a firm grip on Soyeon's hand and her brow was furrowed stubbornly.

As stubborn as Soyeon also was, she couldn't fight Yuqi. She sighed, knowing that she was just as sweaty from practice as the other girl and also desperately needed a shower. "Fine, let's go." Yuqi finally released Soyeon's hand and got off her bed with a smile, going to grab her pajamas.

Soyeon got her own pajamas and headed into the bathroom where Yuqi was already there. She took a shaky breath.

Yuqi punched Soyeon softly in the arm. "Stop being so nervous, Soyeonnie," she chuckled, pulling her shirt over her head and quickly removing her socks. She saw the older hesitantly taking her shirt off, so she pulled Soyeon in for a hug.

"This won't change anything. It's just a shower. Maybe you feel a little awkward, but I won't look at you any differently after this, okay?" Yuqi squeezed her happily.

Their hot, sweaty skin stuck together uncomfortably, but Soyeon felt much better. 

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