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( for @windysgf <3 )

Soyeon shuffled in the bed, not quite finding a comfortable spot to settle. Turning towards who she shared her bed with, Yuqi, she finally settled with a content sigh. Although, a few minutes later, she furrowed her brows when she heard heavy breathing coming from next to her. Suspecting that Yuqi assumed she was asleep and was getting herself off, Soyeon ignored her, a little sad that she didn't ask for help.

She pursed her lips, burying her face in the pillow to block out the sound of Yuqi's sharp, labored breaths. When it got too much to bear, Soyeon pouted, not bothering to open her eyes before saying, "Could you do that quieter?" She received no response, and she started to get worried when she heard a moan of pain, not pleasure.

Confused and worried, she sat up, able to see Yuqi clearly because of the dim lamp that Yuqi always begged Soyeon to keep on since she was afraid of the dark. The younger's face was damp with sweat, she had one arm clutched against her stomach, and her mouth hung open, twisted in pain.

"Yuqi-yah.. are you okay?"

Yuqi shook her head, opening her eyes to look at her lover. Soyeon's breath catches in her throat when she locks eyes with her. Yuqi's eyes are glazed over, full of desperation and fear. Soyeon pressed her hand against Yuqi's forehead, pulling away when she noticed how warm it was.

"What's happening?" She asks calmly, unfamiliar with Yuqi looking this sick.

Yuqi closed her eyes back, hand reaching to rest comfortingly on Soyeon's leg. "I-I'm fine, Soyeon. Go back to sleep."

"Baby, you're not fine, do we have to go to the hospital?"

Yuqi shook her head again, squeezing Soyeon's thigh. "I'm fine, really," she pants.

Soyeon frowns. "Look at yourself. Jagi, you're not okay. Just tell me what hurts so I can help you."

Yuqi let out a shaky breath, regret flashing in her eyes. "I'm.. I'm really allergic to cheese."

Soyeon's face paled at the confession. She had made macaroni and cheese for dinner this night, and Yuqi had eaten a lot of it. "Why didn't you tell me? You didn't have to eat it." Soyeon feels a tear slide down her cheek at seeing Yuqi like this, in so much pain because of her.

Yuqi smiled softly, wiping away the single tear on Soyeon's face. "You made it for me and I love you... You don't cook dinner often so I was very grateful," she explained.

Soyeon leaned forward to place a kiss on Yuqi's burning cheek. "You didn't have to do that, baby." Yuqi sighed, leaning into her lover's touch, her breathing steadying for a moment. Soyeon pats Yuqi's shoulder affectionately, pulling away from her warm face but not quite sitting up away from her yet. "Do you want some medicine?"

Yuqi nods, looking guilty. "I think I might throw up..."

Soyeon wasted no time in hurrying to get her medicine and a bowl just in case, staying by her side until the younger felt a little better. "Don't you ever do this again," Soyeon warned, caressing Yuqi's face gently. The Beijing girl was spread out on the bed, her head in Soyeon's lap and the blanket over her.

"I won't," Yuqi promised, thankful for Soyeon staying by her even though she did a foolish thing. She wanted to tell her how much she appreciated her, but fell asleep in Soyeon's lap before she could. It's alright though, Soyeon knows. She can see through her foolish actions, and to the love Yuqi has for her.

(A/N: anyone seen the recent interview where the host asks i-dle who each of their celebrity crushes are, and yuqi picks soyeon??? soyeon immediately starts laughing and thinks yuqi is acting weird and yuqi's like that for the whole interview.. really what got into her that day lmaoo)

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