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Soyeon stormed back into their dorm and went into her and Yuqi's room angrily. The younger observed Soyeon, watching her open her drawers and pick out pajamas with a furrowed brow. Soyeon changed in front of Yuqi, not even bothering to warn her. Then Soyeon sat down on her side of the bed.

She didn't take her makeup off, talk about her day, or even look at Yuqi.

(in group chat) Yuqi: help meeeee

Minnie: with what

Shuhua: it's soyeon isn't it

Minnie: i'm not involved, bye

Miyeon: what's happening in there??

Yuqi: she's angry. like REALLY angry

Shuhua: i'm not involved either, bye

Miyeon: you two are useless

Minnie: but you love us :3

Soojin: want me to come?

Yuqi: 🥺 please

The door opened slowly to Yuqi and Soyeon's room, Soojin poking her head in.

Two minutes later they heard, "I said I don't want to fucking talk about it!" Soojin was pushed out of Soyeon and Yuqi's room with a shocked expression, and the door slammed shut behind her.

Yuqi bounced a little as Soyeon plopped down harshly back onto their bed.

"Soyeon," Yuqi turned to her hopefully. There was no response, her eyebrows only furrowed more.

"Jagiya," Yuqi tried. Soyeon glanced her way, but her eyes were still angry. "Did you see the stuff under the bed?" Yuqi sobbed inside, revealing her most well-hidden secret to snap Soyeon out of her angry mindset.

"What stuff?" Soyeon quickly looked under the bed, and pulled out a shoebox. She shook it suspiciously before throwing the top onto the floor.

Yuqi watched as her eyes lit up happily when she saw the shoebox packed with rows of Chinese and Korean snacks and American candies that Yuqi has been hiding from the other members for a very long time.

"These are for me?" Soyeon looked up at Yuqi.

Of course not!!, she thought. "Yeah," Yuqi replied. Oh, the things I do for Soyeonnie.. "You can have all of them."

"No." Soyeon took one, then pushed the shoebox into the middle of the bed. "We'll share."

Yuqi lips slowly formed a sweet smile, grabbing a snack from the box and picking up her phone again.

Shuhua: is it just me or do I hear chip bags being opened??????

Yuqi: it's just you.

Shuhua:  :<

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