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Yuqi heard sirens close by, so she sat up straight in the car seat, and took a look around. The car had stopped, and the car in front of theirs' lights were flashing, meaning that they pushed their warning button.

Yuqi checked her phone to see if there was anything on their city's local news that she should be worried about. That's when she heard strangled breathing coming from next to her. She turned to look at Soyeon, who was in the driver's seat. Her hands gripped the wheel hard, and her chest rose and fell as fast as a beckoning cat's paw.

"Everything's fine, it's okay," Yuqi murmured.

"Tell me the truth."

She checked her phone again, a new article coming up about a fire near the street they were on now. She took a deep breath. "There's a fire, and they're coming to put it out. We might be stuck here for a while."

Soyeon tried to steady her breath, but it wasn't going very well. Yuqi noticed her forehead getting sweaty. "W-we're trapped?"

Yuqi put a hand on Soyeon's thigh, setting down her phone. "It won't be long, I promise," she lied.

Soyeon ran her hands through her hair, wiping the building sweat on her forehead. "Don't lie to me."

Yuqi clenched her teeth, hoping that this wouldn't take long. She prayed quietly for everyone that might've been in the building that's now on fire. And also for Soyeon, who's freaking out right now and she had no idea how to handle her.

Suddenly, Soyeon gets out of the car, sitting on the street with her hands on her face, her breathing still out of control. Yuqi got out of the car as well, running over to the driver's side of the car. "Hey, hey, Soyeon, you can't just sit on the street, it's dirty..." Yuqi picked up her lover and had her lean against the car. "We're not trapped, okay?"

Soyeon looked at Yuqi, eyes teary. "I'm sorry."

Yuqi pulled her in for a hug, rubbing small circles on her back. "Don't be, it's okay." Then she got an idea. "Get back in the car, babe," she said, getting into the driver's seat.

"Eh?" Soyeon questioned, walking around to the passenger's seat and clicking on her seatbelt.

Yuqi backed up a little, then drove forward slightly to the side, she continued to maneuver around the line of cars they were in, until she was able to turn down the street and drive past. She was so determined to get both of them out of this situation that she almost didn't feel Soyeon kiss her cheek or hear her murmur a sweet 'thank you.' But she did. 

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