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(A/N: enjoy whatever this is lmao)

Soyeon felt guilty, and she knew exactly why.

She'd yelled at Yuqi, and didn't apologize.

She'd done something wrong, so how could she possibly fix it?

She wants Yuqi to know that she's been a total dipshit.

Would her girlfriend forgive her though?

She guesses she'll just have to find out.

She will choose her words carefully, she knows.

And will promise never again to shout.

"Yuqi!" She calls, sweetness in her tone.

She just hopes that her girlfriend is alone.

Soyeon hears footsteps of someone running up the stairs.

Then Yuqi enters the room, a flurry of golden-blonde hair.

"Are you hurt?" Yuqi asks, and it makes her heart ache.

"No, but I'm sorry," she says, as sincere as she can.

Yuqi is very silent, but she knows their relationship's at stake.

So with a light hearted smile, all she says is, "damn."

"Soyeon, I love you, I don't care that you yelled."

And gently, in Yuqi's hands, her lover's face she held.

"I understood why you were mad, and it's okay."

"But even if you get angry, I'll still love you every day."

With all of the members gone from Cube's dorm,

Yuqi leans down to give her a kiss on the lips.

This action relaxes Soyeon, and she starts to feel warm,

Both of Yuqi's hands on her head, hair tangled in her fingertips.

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