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Soyeon turned in her office chair, eyes hard. "If you're just going to mope around, could you get out?"

Yuqi raises her eyes to Soyeon's, taken slightly aback by her cold gaze. "Damn, can't I have a girlfriend who's actually nice to me?"

Soyeon chuckles, sliding her bulky headphones off of her head. "Why are you sad, jagi?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Soyeon rolls her eyes, picking her headphones back up.

"Wait, wait! Can you just help me?"

"Fine. Uh- imagine you're at the beach."

"I don't wanna be at the beach," Yuqi huffs.

"Then imagine you're in your bed, you–"

"This is boring. I want to cuddle with you."

"You difficult shit.." Soyeon mutters under her breath, getting up from her chair.

"What was that?"

Soyeon laughs sheepishly, patting her on the back until she stands up. "Let's go cuddle babe!"

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