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Yuqi scrolled through her phone, waiting for Soyeon to say that she's finished. She's been sitting here all day and she's been playing all the games on her phone for at least an hour each and she's getting bored. But, however long it took, she'd always wait for Soyeon and respect her wishes not to bother her.

That is, until Soyeon starts gripping the sides of her desk groaning loudly, clearly in pain.

Yuqi furrows her brows, standing up and throwing her phone on the couch. She's crouching down by Soyeon's side within seconds, looking up at her scrunched up face worriedly. "Soyeon? What's wrong?"

"I– ah.." she grips the desk as tight as she can, her knuckles turning white. "I'm fine, just don't bother me." She gripped the sides of head, trying to calm down.

Yuqi recognized that she was having a headache. A really bad one. Not trying to force her, she said gently, "You should take off your headphones."

"No, no, I'm fine. I need to finish." Soyeon sat back down in her chair with a grimace, getting back to work. But Yuqi didn't miss how she flinched every so often, barely getting anything done.

"Take those off!" Yuqi demanded, pulling the device off of her ears. Soyeon turns around angrily, knocking down something in her haste. A bottle of medicine rolls on the floor near Yuqi's feet. Yuqi picks it up, face paling when she notices it didn't weigh much at all, indicating that it was empty.

"Soyeon... how many of these have you taken today?"

Soyeon crosses her arms and looks at the floor in embarrassment, trying not to let it show how much the headache was affecting her. "..um.. I don't know?"

Yuqi takes a deep breath, throwing the empty bottle in the trash and leading Soyeon away from her laptop, dialing Miyeon's number. "Unnie... we have a small problem now...no, we're not in jail...it's Soyeon, she..."

Soyeon groaned again, burying her face in Yuqi's shirt in vain hope the pain would go away.

Once she was sure that help was coming, she ended the call, wrapping her arms around a whimpering Soyeon. "It'll be okay, jagi. I'm sorry I yelled at you." She held her tighter. "Just hang on, it won't hurt soon..."

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