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Miyeon rubbed her eyes softly. She rolled over in her and Minnie's bed, checking her phone. "It's only 2am??" She huffed quietly. Something had disturbed her, but she didn't know wha–


Miyeon's breath hitched with fear. She turned back around in their bed and pulled Minnie close to her. She tugged on the younger's shirt with a small frown on her face. "Minnie.." Miyeon bit her lip, her breath a bit uneven as she anticipated if the noise would sound again.

"Shhh, it's sleeping time," Minnie muttered to her, snuggling into Miyeon's arms.

"But there's something scary," Miyeon whispered with her eyes closed, afraid to look around the dark room. She squeezed Minnie a little tighter.

Concerned by hearing a slight shake in Miyeon's voice, Minnie turned around to meet her lover's face. "What's scary?" As if on cue, the mysterious noise screeched once more throughout their small house.


"What the hell?" Minnie sat up, a frightened Miyeon still clinging to her. Miyeon can tell that wanting to protect her from the noise flipped a dangerous switch inside of Minnie.

"Stay here. Alright?" Minnie got off the bed slowly and went to investigate. She opened the door to her and Miyeon's bedroom and carefully walked into the living room. She looked around in the dark for anything suspicious, the only luminescence being the faint moonlight from the half-open shades.

She glanced at Yuqi's bedroom door. It was closed, but she could see the faint orange glow from Yuqi's night light. Minnie really doesn't want to go near the front door or the kitchen, where the backdoor is. Those are literally the only two places that someone could've broken in.

Minnie didn't know how she came to a small conclusion that someone must've broken in, but she couldn't think of any other good explanation for the noise.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrap around Minnie hurriedly from behind and pull her slightly backwards. Her heart thumping against her chest, Minnie stumbles in shock, tripping herself as well as her attacker.

"Yah, get off of me..." her attacker pouts.

Minnie breathes out a small sigh of relief before standing up and helping Miyeon up as well. "I told you to stay in the room!" She whisper-yelled.

Miyeon looked down a little, embarrassed. "I got really scared, so I went to hug you.."


"Ah!" Miyeon flinches. Minnie's head whips towards the kitchen. Now she can clearly hear the sound and where it's coming from.

She makes her way towards the kitchen and peeks through the door-way.

A tall-ish shadowed figure stood in the middle of their kitchen, toying with something sharp.

"What if they have a gun?" Miyeon swallowed anxiously.

"Stand behind me," Minnie said in a hushed tone. She awkwardly, but silently, shuffled towards the light switch and flicked it on. Miyeon and Minnie had to blink a few times before their eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness.

Miyeon's jaw dropped when they got a glimpse of the face of the burglar.

Minnie's eyes glowered. "SONG FUCKING YUQI—"


There's a few things needed to be known about Yuqi.

Firstly, she's talented. Second, if she had the money to move out from her unnies' (Miyeon's and Minnie's) house, she would. Third, she really wants a girlfriend. And last, she's mischievous.

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