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Never before had Yuqi seen Soyeon cry. So, she had no idea how to handle the situation when the older suddenly leaned on her shoulder, slowly wetting her sleeve with tears.

What should I do? Should I call Soojin or Miyeon? Oh... Maybe I should give her some space.

Yuqi stood up and—

Soyeon tugged on the hem of her shirt, head down because she was embarrassed of Yuqi seeing her like this. "Stay?" Soyeon asked, attempting to wipe her tears with the rough material of her sweater.

Yuqi didn't answer, but instead stopped Soyeon and grabbed a tissue from a box off of the desk and helped her to wipe her tears. She pulled Soyeon into her embrace, allowing Soyeon to lean into her as much as she wanted.

"It's okay," Yuqi murmured, patting her softly, comforting her even though she had no idea why Soyeon was crying or why she suddenly decided to open up like this towards Yuqi. Nevertheless, she was sure that she wanted to be here for her in this moment to reassure her that whatever had made her sad wasn't going to last forever. 

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