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"Minnie-unnie!!" Yuqi knocked on the Thai's door urgently.

The door opened slowly, a sleepy Minnie on the other side. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. "What do you need, Yuqi? It's the middle of the night.."

"I'm scared."

"Had a nightmare?" Minnie opens her door further to let Yuqi into her room. Yuqi sits on Minnie's bed, fiddling with the stuffed giraffe in her hands.

"Does Soyeon seem different to you these days?" Yuqi asked once the door was closed and Minnie was sitting on the bed as well.

"Different how?" Minnie wondered aloud, sighing at the thought of not being able to go back to sleep because she was woken up.

"She's so.." Yuqi hugged her toy close to her chest and whispered, "attractive."

Minnie cleared her throat to prevent herself from laughing at or teasing the younger. Instead she put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "What's attractive about her?"

Yuqi began describing their leader passionately, a big smile resting on her face. She talked for so long, Minnie had begun to drift off to sleep again. She woke up only when Yuqi tapped her softly on the shoulder. "Unnie, I think I love her."

Minnie opened her mouth to speak, but closed it when tears began sliding down Yuqi's face. The younger was suddenly enveloped in a sweet hug. "It's okay, Woogs. It'll be alright," she soothed, rubbing her back.

"I- it's scary," Yuqi cried harder, clutching Minnie's shirt in her fists. "I love her so much.. What if she doesn't like me like that too? I don't.. I wouldn't be able to..." Yuqi sniffed, burying her face in the crook of Minnie's neck.

"Shh, it's going to be fine. No matter what happens, we're all still going to be here for you, alright?" When Yuqi didn't respond, Minnie pulled away from the hug. "You got that? You'll always have a shoulder to cry on if you need it."

Yuqi took a shuddering breath and nodded.

"What about him? Does he understand?" Minnie turned to Yuqi's stuffed animal.

Yuqi laughed a little, holding the giraffe's head and nodding it up and down.

"Good." Minnie held Yuqi's shoulders and let her lips curl into a small smile. "Whenever you choose to confess, Yuqi, you got this."

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