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Yuqi knew that Soyeon's time of the month was rolling back around, and she wouldn't be there to comfort her. So, Yuqi woke up super early to prepare a surprise for Soyeon.


Soyeon stirred awake to immense pain hitting her lower regions. She groaned, reaching for her Yuqi. "Yuqi-yah... It hurts..." Soyeon whimpered, still trying to reach for her lover. She opened her eyes to see the right side of the bed unoccupied. She frowned, remembering that Yuqi had somewhere to be this morning.

Soyeon got out of bed, trying to ignore the pain, and heading into the kitchen to take some medicin—

She looked around in awe. Post-it notes were stuck to almost everything in the kitchen, and her medicine was on the counter accompanied by a cup of water. She grabbed one off of the wall. It read: 'Are you from France? 'Cause Eiffel for you'

She snickers to herself at how cute it is, reaching for another while swallowing those nasty blue pills.

Soyeon wanted and needed to read each and every one of these. And just like that, she was distracted from her monthly friend.

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