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fluffy yuyeon for chapter 80 celebration  ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

Yuqi closed the door to the house softly, not wanting to wake anyone up if they were sleeping. She spotted Soyeon on the couch, an empty mug slowly slipping out of her hands. She rushed over quietly, taking it and putting it in the sink. Yuqi winced as she saw about eight more mugs in the kitchen sink, along with the fact that the entire kitchen reeked of coffee. My poor Soyeonnie.., Yuqi frowned, beginning to wash the dishes. She used a minimal amount of water and made sure not to make any clanking noises.

She looked out of the window parallel to the back of the sink, gazing out into the dark night. She thanked whoever was watching over her, just like she did every night. Since, everyday before she leaves for work, she kisses the top of Soyeon's head and wishes that she will be safe and protected, as well as their little one.

From the other room, a sharp cry was heard.

Yuqi twisted her head to the side in surprise, drying her hands with a towel before hurrying to the room. Soyeon was immediately behind her, half-asleep. Yuqi scooped up their baby in her arms, rocking him slowly while she waited for him to fall back asleep. "Shhh, it's okay buddy, I'm here," She murmured, holding him close to her chest.

Yuqi took a glance up at Soyeon, who was leaning on the doorframe, eyes half-open, looking off dazedly at a random spot on the wall. Yuqi laid him back down in the crib, brushing the small tuft of hair on his head gently with her fingers, she also grabbed his little toy from off of the floor and placed it inside to make sure he wouldn't be lonely until Yuqi came back in here later.

She began to walk towards Soyeon, who had fallen asleep leaning on the wall. Yuqi put her arms on Soyeon's shoulders supportively, guiding her to their bedroom. She tucked Soyeon in the bed with a small smile.

"I'm not tired, Yuqi. I swear.. I just had another shot," Soyeon insists, but she made no move to sit up in bed.

"Honey," Yuqi whispers, kneeling down next to Soyeon's side of the bed and caressing her wife's cheek tenderly. "You need rest."

Soyeon huffed. "You.. You need rest too. Where do you get all this energy from? You're at work all day.."

Yuqi just shrugged, never going to admit that she begs her boss to give her nap breaks so that she could have more energy at home to take care of her family. Instead, she walks over to the closet and pulls out Soyeon's pajamas and her own, quickly dressing out of her work clothes before coming over the bed again.

She lifted Soyeon's shirt over her head and sucked in a small breath as she gazed at her wife's breasts. They were covered in a few red marks, and swollen. Yuqi touched them softly, observing and pulling her hand away when Soyeon winced. Yuqi sighed sadly, pulling the pajama shirt onto Soyeon. "Don't you think it's time for him to start having some real food so that he doesn't keep hurting you like this?" Yuqi questioned.

"But.. He's my baby.. I.." Soyeon trailed off, finding no good excuse.

"I'll buy some baby food tonight," Yuqi looked at the digital clock on the desk. 11:37.. the store hasn't closed yet, right?  Yuqi wonders, pulling down Soyeon's pants and helping her shuffle into pajama ones.

"No, no.. Don't go out again," Soyeon told her, struggling to stay awake.

Yuqi exhaled, sitting on the bed without fully immersing herself in the covers. "Okay, I won't." She leaned down to kiss Soyeon on her cheek, wishing her a goodnight's rest before standing up to go check on their son.

"What about here?" Soyeon puckered her lips.

Yuqi's smile got wider as she leaned down to capture Soyeon's lips on her own, groaning a little when Soyeon bites down softly on her bottom lip. Soyeon broke the kiss, wrapping her arms around Yuqi and dragging her down onto the bed. "You will not go check up on him, even though I know you want to."

Yuqi pouted. "But I need to make sure he's okay–"

"He's fine, I've been taking care of that little demon all day," Soyeon laughed tiredly.

Yuqi pretended to gasp. "Did you just call our child a little demon?"

Soyeon sighed. "I swear I'm going to have permanent bags under my eyes from him." Sensing Yuqi's upcoming pout, she quickly smiled a little. "But it's the best decision I've ever made. Next to marrying you."

Yuqi groaned in annoyance, burying her face in Soyeon's neck. No matter how long she's known Soyeon she can still make her blush like when they first met. She decided to not let Soyeon win this time, getting up and smirking. "It better be the best decision you've ever made– you were a bitch when you were pregnant."

"Hey!" Soyeon playfully shoved Yuqi off of her, Yuqi landed with a soft thud on the fluffy blankets on her side of the bed.

Yuqi chuckled, getting under the covers. "We should go to sleep now then, I have to wake up early to visit the store for baby food, then go to work."

"Sometimes I wish you didn't have to go to work," Soyeon cupped Yuqi's face in her hands.

"Me too.." Yuqi murmured, deciding not to point out that if she didn't go to work, she wouldn't have the money to take care of them. She allowed them both to be lost in each others eyes, smiling when Soyeon's soft grip on her face went a little limp as she drifted to sleep.

Yuqi held Soyeon's hand on her face, turning her head to kiss Soyeon's palm sweetly.

"Goodnight, honey," Soyeon mumbled, her breathing deepening into sleep.

"Goodnight to you too, baby," Yuqi murmured, falling asleep just as easily.

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