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(A/N: hey, stop! before you read the 100th chapter, read this! when you're done reading, celebrate with me by commenting your i-dle bias, fav i-dle song, AND sharing a funny joke :> tysm everyone reading for supporting this far!!! ❤️ now on with the yuyeon ! i didn't meant to rhyme there 😭💓🫶) 

"Do you have your passport?"

"Yes, honey."

"Do you have enough money?"


"Do you have hand sanitizer?"


"Do you hav–"

"YES I have everything," Yuqi assured her wife with a slight roll of her eyes. She was next up in line for TSA, so she needed to either hurry up, or let the people behind them go first.

"No," Soyeon pouted.

"Then what? What did I forget??" Yuqi asked, leading Soyeon and Soojin to the side, as not to block the rest of the line.

"A kiss," Soyeon looked up at Yuqi affectionately, and Yuqi's mood immediately flipped. Her tense shoulders loosened as she leaned forward to kiss Soyeon. She wrapped her arms around the older.

Soyeon pulled away with a small frown as Yuqi was rushing the kiss. "Are you even–"

"Yes, I'm going to miss you," Yuqi chuckled, predicting her next words.

Soyeon squeezed Yuqi tighter, never wanting to let her go. But, Yuqi was going to be late for her flight, so Soojin peeling Soyeon off of the younger.

"Have a good trip. I love you," Soyeon said, watching her wife slip off her shoes.

"Love you too!" Yuqi blew her a kiss playfully, taking off her backpack to place in a bin.

Soyeon caught the kiss and held it dearly to her heart as Soojin led her away from the TSA line, back to the front of the airport. Soyeon looked a little gloomy the whole way back to their car. "You know Yuqi's a grown woman, right? She can take care of herself."

"She's going to be gone for two weeks, Soojin.. Two weeks!!"

Soojin sighed. "I know, I know.." She gave her best friend a long hug, rubbing her back gently when she started to hear Soyeon cry.

"W-what am I going to do without her?"

"Shh, you'll be okay, I'll stay with you."

"What if she gets hurt and forgets the foreign country's emergency line number? If something happened to her.. I just.. I love her so much."

"That's why you two got married, right?" Soojin smiled a little, having no idea that Soyeon's love for Yuqi was this strong.

"I should've gone with her," Soyeon sighed, letting go of Soojin and getting into the car. Her phone buzzed, a text from Yuqi.

Yuqi [6:47am] which one should i get bby? <3

Yuqi sent an image [6:48]

Yuqi sent an image [6:49]

Soojin pulled out of the parking lot, looking on at Soyeon carefully choosing which coffee Yuqi would have like it was a life-changing decision. She smiled, hearing Soyeon's giggles almost the whole car ride home as she texted Yuqi until the Beijing girl had to get onto her flight. Yeah, she'll be okay until Yuqi comes back, Soojin assured herself, pulling into the driveway of Yuqi and Soyeon's house where the other members were waiting inside with drinks and karaoke to help her forget about her wife away from her on a business trip.

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