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"My stomach hurts..." Soyeon groans, laying on the floor of the practice room, hand waving away the shrimp chips that Shuhua was trying to offer her. Shuhua needs it probably more than she does.

"What'd you eat today?" Yuqi asks, munching happily on her own snack. She mostly asks it to start a conversation, but she's prepared for an answer like "a few slices of kimbap" or "protein shake".

"Haven't eaten since.. What's today?"

"Tuesday," Miyeon hums from where she is in the middle of the room, still trying to get the moves down right, still having a lot of energy despite intense practice.

"Sunday," Soyeon mumbles.

Minnie furrows her brow. "You haven't eaten since Sunday??"

"Take my chips, unnie," Shuhua insists, thrusting them towards her.

"And mine," Yuqi offers as well, looking worriedly at their leader.

Soyeon smiles lightly. "What would I do without you guys?"

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