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Soyeon spun around in her office chair, her thoughts odd and scattered, not suitable for lyrics. Suddenly she spun around to face Yuqi, her nose crinkling. "If we were cats I'd groom you every day."

Yuqi looked up from her sketch pad, bewildered. "Soyeon, that's... so random."

Soyeon spun again, sighing. "So? It's sweet in a way, isn't it?" After a moment of contemplation and imagining herself and all of their members as cats, she chuckled, "and it's not like Soojin would clean you."

"If this is your twisted way of telling me to take a shower, please just say it. You're being so confusing talking about animals and such."

Soyeon stopped her spinning. "Yuqi, go take a shower."

Yuqi glared at her.

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