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Yuqi stared dejectedly at the empty space on her bed where her beloved stuffed animal usually sat. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that she had lost it somewhere. Yuqi's heart ached, and in her distress, she couldn't help but run to Soyeon's room in the group's shared dorm.

Soyeon cocked her head to the side when Yuqi came crying to her, sobbing about her lost stuffed toy. She fought the urge to roll her eyes as she let Yuqi hug her. She had always considered stuffed animals to be childish, and always either teased Yuqi about it or convinced her to get rid of it, before finally giving up. She was surprised that Yuqi wasn't accusing her of taking it.

But, despite her own reservations, she tried to understand the significance of the toy to Yuqi, so she took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around the younger.

Soojin busted into the room, a worried expression on her face that heavily read, 'I heard someone crying!'

Soyeon waved her off, signaling that she's got this.

Gently, Soyeon hugged Yuqi tighter. She whispered sweet words, assuring Yuqi that everything would be alright, and promising to help her find the lost toy. Thankfully, Soyeon's comforting presence calmed Yuqi's troubled heart.

Days later, Soyeon stumbled upon a tuft of white fluff peeking out from under Miyeon's bed as she walked past the eldest's room.

"Yuqi? Yuqi, I found him!!" 

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