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Yuqi sneezed, her throat gagging automatically at the sudden pain. She felt another coming on, and she quickly held her breath, trying to prevent it. But nevertheless, she sneezed again, her throat in so much pain. She laid in bed, feeling as if she wanted to cry. But she didn't, that'd only cause her nose to become more stuffy than it already was. She just wanted this to end.

"YUQI-YAH!!" Shuhua yelled.

Reluctantly, Yuqi sat up, throwing the blanket off of herself and shivering at the coldness the room brought even though she was wrapped cozily in fluffy clothes.

"Come wash the dishes, there are no bowls left!!"

Ah, now she remembered. Even though she was sick, she still had to do chores. She sighs, trudging slowly to the door of her room, knowing that she'd get a good talking to by Shuhua if the girl had to ever eat her precious seaweed soup in a mug again when the dishes weren't washed.

When Yuqi arrives in the kitchen, she sees, albeit blurrily, Soyeon standing at the sink while she waited for it to fill up with water.

"Thanks," Yuqi whispers, reaching for the soap and a sponge.

Soyeon stopped her, a lopsided smile resting on face. "It's alright, jagi. I can do it."

"No, no, it's my tur–" Yuqi sneezed again, her throat burning.

Soyeon rubbed her shoulders soothingly. "I'll do it for you. Just go back to sleep..." Soyeon cups her face gently then brings her hand back down to Yuqi's shoulder to turn her back in the direction of her room. 

(A/N: inspired by real life events because i'm so sick rn. except i actually had to wash the dishes because i don't have a gf like soyeon who will take care of me😭😭)

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