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(A/N: for @miyeonspookie )

"I'm cold."

Yuqi huffs, clicking pause on the video she's trying to mimic the dance moves of as she looks towards the voice's owner. She chuckles, shaking her head at the ridiculousness. "Get a sweater."

Soyeon tugs boredly at the hem of her own shirt. "I don't want a sweater."

"Then go turn on the heater, babe," Yuqi says, unpausing the video.

After a few blissful moments of being left alone to try this routine she's been learning, the video pauses once more, and Soyeon's hand is the cause. She looks towards Yuqi, with pure, unfiltered want, swirling the brown depths of her eyes. She blinks once, slowly cocking her head to the right as she lets a pout form on her lips.

Yuqi closes her laptop with a roll of her eyes, but she's amused. "You want me to.. cuddle you?"

She nods quickly, enthusiastically, as if Yuqi should've understood this from the very first thing she'd said.

"Baby," the younger takes her hand, squeezes it, "couldn't you have just asked that?"

An annoyed groan drags from Soyeon, slightly pulling away from the touch. "I don't want you to think I'm some needy–"

"You are needy," Yuqi interrupts, pulling her closer despite the older's weak efforts to pull her hand back.

Soyeon glares at her.

"Now change into some pajamas and then I can cuddle your goddamn brains out," Yuqi says under her breath, twirling her sweetly, once, until they reach the door of their bedroom.

A stifled gasp. "Stop saying things like that."

"Get dressed then."

"Stop watching."

"Why not? You're–"

Soyeon raises a brow, pushing below Yuqi's collar bone slightly backwards, just enough so that she gets the message don't finish that sentence.

"Okay, okay, I'm not looking," Yuqi grumbles, turning around. She listens idly to the sounds of Soyeon opening the closet, hears her sigh when she presumably can't find her pajamas in the dark. "Aren't you missing something?" She steps into the room, backwards, and flicks on the light.

"I could've found it myself," Soyeon mutters.

"Sure you could've," Yuqi chuckles, finally turning around once she hears the creak of their bed.

She takes a moment, just to look, appreciating the view of Soyeon looking at her like this, like she's everything to her. The younger turns the light off, plopping down onto the bed herself and finding Soyeon in the middle. She burrows her face into Soyeon's neck, inhaling her sweet, flowery perfume as she wraps an arm around her, shifting one of her legs under Soyeon's so they become entwined. "Are you comfortable?" Yuqi asks, hand dipping under her shirt to rub slow circles on her back.

"Can you stop.. sniffing me.." Soyeon threads a hand through Yuqi's hair, pulling her back a little.

Yuqi whines. "You smell so fucking good.."

"Stop cursing," Soyeon says quietly, pulling her back more so that she can look at her.

Yuqi's breath catches in her throat, not having anticipated how intensely she was going to be stared at as she gets lost in Soyeon's eyes, having no desire to look away. "Okay." Not minding the wandering hand in her hair, Yuqi snuggles back to where she was, right in the crook of Soyeon's neck. She savors the way it feels when Soyeon shivers slightly as she breathes on her, likes the way the hand buried in her blonde locks scratches slightly, just hard enough not to tickle, and just soft enough not to hurt her.

The Beijing girl tilts her head a little, prompting Soyeon to scratch at a spot that just started itching. Relief ripples through her body, and she sighs onto her skin as it doesn't itch anymore, holding her tighter.

She was leaning more on Soyeon than on the bed now, another sigh tumbling from her lips as she feels the older's breasts press flush against her neckline.

"You're enjoying this?"

"Mhm," Yuqi hums, not planning to move from this position for a long time. Her thoughts were straying, breath flowing easy and calm, but she could sense Soyeon vacillating. "What are you thinking about, beautiful?"

"You," she answers simply, untangling her hand from Yuqi's hair to drag it down the back of her neck, and lower, to her shoulders where she can caress her softly.

"What about me?"

"Can we.." Soyeon sucked in a breath, movements halting for a fleeting second, as if she were embarrassed, "can we do this more often?"

"I'm so busy though," Yuqi says wistfully, eyes fluttering closed while she gently massages the part of Soyeon's back that she can reach.

"I know.." She continues stroking her shoulder, as light as she can, like the younger girl beneath her was fragile. "I want you all the time, though, jagi. At least at night. Just.. with me. In my bed. Or your bed. I don't mind."

Yuqi moves until she can look up at Soyeon. "You know I'm yours, right?"

Soyeon blinks unbelievingly. "Then why'd it take me so much effort to get you right here? In my arms like this?"

She swallows. She doesn't exactly know how to answer that. Would she rather work than cuddle with her girlfriend? She pondered on that thought for a moment, shaking her head. "I'll become less busy for you, darling. I'll start coming home at night, at a normal time." She lifts her head a touch, to kiss Soyeon on her chin. "I promise," she murmurs against her.

It's soft, it's makes her heart feel full, it makes her stomach tickle with bright, happy butterflies as she gazes down at Yuqi's face. She looks so breathtaking, heartbreakingly adorable in this moment, almost radiating pulchritudinous.

It makes her smile.

And, at the sight of Soyeon smiling, Yuqi's lips begin to curve upward as well. "Soyeon.."

"Hm?" Her hand raises from her shoulder to cup her face, thumb brushing the younger's chin right where Yuqi had kissed her on herself.

"I'm so...emotionally attached to you... well, we're attached and touching physically too, but–"

"Oh, baby," Soyeon laughs faintly, a finger against her lips to shush her rambling, "You mean you love me, right?"

"Yeah," Yuqi grins, "I love you so much."

"I love you more, babe," Soyeon hums.

"Tshh," Yuqi rolls her eyes, "not possible."

"Just accept it," Soyeon taps her affectionately on the nose.

Yuqi nestles back to her original position, head tucked comfortably into the older's neck. "Can we fall asleep like this?"

"Of course." Soyeon curls her hand back around Yuqi's head, and with her other hand she interlaces both of their fingers of their hands that aren't holding each other. "Goodnight, Yuqi."

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