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"Yuqi." Soyeon barged into the other's room. "Why are you wearing my hoodie? Hm? My faaavorite hoodie?"

Yuqi yelped with shock at the sudden intrusion, scrambling to cover the yellow fabric she was wearing with a blanket.

"Don't hide from me.. C'mon, tell me why."

"Noooo," Yuqi blushed, refusing.

~after eight long minutes of Soyeon coaxing Yuqi to tell the truth~

Yuqi sighed. "You sleep in your own bed at night, so I wore this because it would feel like you were with me..."

It was Soyeon's turn to blush. She smiled shyly and responded, "You could have just asked me to sleep with you~"

And from then on, they slept in the same bed with each other, every night, cuddled in each other's arms.

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