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"Soyeon~" Yuqi called from her bedroom.

"What's up?" Soyeon walked in and sat on Yuqi's bed.

"Can you give me a massage?"

Soyeon nodded with a small smile. "Sure. Where?"

"On my back," Yuqi sighed, laying down on her stomach in the bed.

Soyeon's legs straddled Yuqi's back as she got to work, hands kneading the tight knots out of her muscles.

"Ah, ah! Soyeon that hurts!" Yuqi squirmed under Soyeon's rough hands with a small whine.

"It's going to hurt for a little, then you'll be fine," Soyeon soothed, working at putting all of her strength into her task. Once the knotted parts were out, Soyeon felt Yuqi start to relax. That's when Soyeon realized that she should have never agreed to this.

Soyeon's hands pushed on her shoulder, drawing out a muffled moan from Yuqi.

Soyeon swallowed, taking in a big breath of air as she continued. She rubbed her thumbs in circles on Yuqi's spine, applying a medium amount of pressure.

"Mhmmm," Yuqi groaned into her pillow.

She's driving me insane! Soyeon thought, fighting the urge to flip Yuqi around and fuck her senseless, just to elicit more of those sounds from her. Ugh.. Yuqi.. what are you doing to me?

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