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Soyeon looked at herself in the mirror, teeth clenching. She looked at the ground and felt tears starting to brim her eyes. "Y-yuqi?" She called for her lover, who was next to her tying her shoes.

Yuqi sealed the knot and stood up, an arm instinctively going to wrap around Soyeon's waist. "Yeah?"

Soyeon swallowed, her eyes still on the ground. "Do you.. Do you think I'm ugly?"

Yuqi's brows knitted together and she lifted Soyeon's gaze. "No, you're the most attractive girl I've ever seen. And I mean it." She fixed a strand of Soyeon's hair that was out of place, gazing at her fondly and taking her hand in hers to guide them to the door.

"My beautiful princess~" Yuqi sang, twirling Soyeon in a small circle. 

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