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Yuqi buried herself under the bed's sheets. She sighed, pulling them away. It was way too hot in here. Her eyebrows scrunched together, trying to think of a way that she could fall asleep without disturbing everyone. So, she can't take a bath, she can't make hot chocolate, and she can't watch television because she would wake someone up. She was about to reach for her phone, but then remembered Soyeon sleeping next to her.

Yuqi pouted, frustrated. She pulled the blankets back onto herself, cold now. Then she got an idea. She turned around to face her lover. "Soyeon," she whispered. "Soyeon, wake up."

Soyeon blinked open her eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice still heavy with sleep. Yuqi swallowed, feeling a little guilty for waking her up.

"I can't sleep," Yuqi said. "I was wondering could maybe talk to me?"

Soyeon looked at her in confusion, shifting her head so that she could look at her more clearly. "Talk to you? About what?"

Yuqi blushed, hoping Soyeon wouldn't be able to see it in the near dark. "Talk...sexily?"

Soyeon's eyes widened in surprise, but her mouth quickly formed a smirk. "Okay. I can do that."

Yuqi laid flat on her back, closing her eyes and waiting. Soyeon scooted close enough so that her warm breath tickled Yuqi's ear when she began to speak. "I want you, Yuqi," she whispers, leaving an open-mouthed kiss behind the younger's ear. Yuqi's breath hitched, not expecting to be so turned on right now.

"I want to feel your naked skin pressed up against mine until there's no space left between us. I want to leave dark, purple marks all over your body so that everyone knows you're mine."

Yuqi felt a familiar heart spreading through her body, the blush on her cheeks deepening while something wet stained her underwear. A small whimper escaped her lips as she trailed a hand down her own body. She couldn't believe this. She'd whimpered.

"I want to kiss you in places no one else gets to even look at you. I want my hands to feel everywhere over your body," Soyeon purred.

Yuqi's hand passed the waistband of her pants and she curled a single finger inside of herself, insides knotting with pleasure when she realized how wet she already was.

Soyeon chuckled sexily near her ear, her hand circling random patterns on her shoulder. "You're probably so wet right now, aren't you?" She brought her hand to Yuqi's stomach, riding her shirt up. "You want me to touch you while you pleasure yourself, don't you?"

Yuqi bit her bottom lip, circling her own clit with her thumb as her ring and middle fingers slowly dipped into her slick entrance.

"Why are you so quiet now?" Soyeon whined teasingly. "I want to hear every moan that tumbles from your beautiful mouth. I want you to feel pleasure with me like you've never felt with anyone else." And with that, she took one of Yuqi's breasts into her hand, that smirk still on her face.

Yuqi moaned, adding a third finger while occasionally stopping to rub at her aching clit. Her skin felt hot and sticky everywhere, but not in a bad way. In fact, she loved it.

Soyeon squeezed, helping Yuqi tumble over the edge. Clear, hot liquid seeped out of her as she groaned Soyeon's name, other hand gripping the bed sheets. Soyeon waited until she had ridden it out to caress her cheek.

The pleasure slowly ebbed away, giving way to relaxation. Yuqi opened her eyes to find Soyeon smiling at her. "Feel better?" She asked, her voice gentle as ever. It was almost as if that sweet, honey-like voice hadn't just been talking to her in her most seductive tone.

Yuqi smiled back, removing her hand from out of her pants. "Yeah." she stretched slightly, leaning into Soyeon and cuddling her arms around her. "Thank you," she murmurs, giving her a tired kiss.

"You're sleepy now?"

"Yes," Yuqi replied, closing her eyes. Her breathing steadied and she kicked her socks off, basking in maximum comfort as Soyeon wrapped her arms around her as well.

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