Sick pt. 2

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Yuqi hates having a cold. She doesn't hate many things but ohhh, she hates, hates having a cold. She doesn't even mind the staying in bed all day, stuffy nose, or constant coughing kind of stuff. What she really doesn't like is that her favorite person in the entire world avoids her at all costs. And they live in the same apartment!

Yuqi can't do much by herself since she likes to hang out with people. So, when her favorite person doesn't interact with her, it makes Yuqi feel lonely. And that's one more thing she hates. Being alone.

"Soyeon," Yuqi whispered into her phone, voice hoarse, "Can you come in our room?" She sent the voice message. After a few seconds, she got a single reply back.

Soyeon [1:14pm] No. Go back to sleep.

Yuqi furrowed her eyebrows and clicked on the voice message button again. "S–" she broke out into a fit of coughs, deciding to delete the message after she recovered.

Yuqi [1:16] i'm not sleepy!!!!

Soyeon [1:16] Go back to sleep, Yuqi.

Yuqi [1:16] why are u being so mean to me? :<

Yuqi smirked, getting a brilliant idea.

Yuqi [1:17] i'm in so much pain....

Soyeon [1:17] I know, that's why you're going to go back to sleep.

Yuqi [1:17] not sick pain... someone threw a rock at me...

"THE FUCK?" Yuqi heard an angry yell from outside of their room, in the living room where Soyeon was temporarily sleeping. She heard loud footsteps stomping their way to where Yuqi was now laying, pretending to be in more pain than she actually was.

The door flew open. "Yuqi," Soyeon had on a mask, and she came over to examine her. When she found nothing wrong, she looked at the window for any trace of a rock being thrown at her dear. She found none. Soyeon stood back and rolled her eyes when she realized that she had been tricked.

"Can you take off that mask?" Yuqi pouted, "I feel like you hate me."

"I don't hate you," Soyeon started to walk away, "I hate getting sick." The door closed again.

Yuqi sighed. She was going to have to think of a better plan then.

Yuqi [1:22] i'm dying..

Soyeon [1:22] I'm not falling for that.

"Damn," Yuqi mumbled, sipping the bottle of water in bed next to her, getting another idea.

Yuqi [1:23] i want to make u feel good wink wink

Soyeon [1:24] NO. GO BACK TO BED.

Yuqi [1:24] just a kiss? :<

Yuqi stared at the kiss emoji that Soyeon had sent for a long time, disappointment building up in her. She put her phone on the bedside table angrily, turning over and going back to sleep.


Soft lips connected with hers.

Yuqi woke up, eyes wide as she felt Soyeon kissing her. She quickly pulled back. "What are you doing?? I'm sick!"

Soyeon crawled back towards her, a big smile on her face. "I.. I know."

Yuqi was so confused.

"I realized that no matter if I don't want to be sick, that's what's going to happen if we're two people who live together, it's inevitable. I love you too much to ignore you for a week or however long it takes you to get better."

Yuqi took Soyeon's hand and led her to sit down right next to her. "What made you–" she sucked in a quick breath, letting it out in a loud sneeze.

"Bless you~" Soyeon murmured, rubbing Yuqi's back with one hand and wiping the small drip from Yuqi's nose with the other.

"What made you change your mind?" Yuqi asked, raising a brow.

Soyeon blushed, turning away.

Yuqi leaned over her, pressing her face close. "Tell me, or I really am going to make you feel good."

"That's supposed to be a threat?" Soyeon giggled, tapping her finger against Yuqi's nose because she's so cute.

Yuqi pouted. "I was trying to be sexy. But really.. Tell me."

"I.. I was looking at pictures of married couples online and.. I kind of imagine us like that in the future. You know if we get married, we'll vow to care for each other in sickness and in health," Soyeon smiled softly, "I shouldn't ignore my Yuqi when she's sick~"

Yuqi hugged her, opening her mouth to say something when a hard cough left her mouth. Soyeon patted her back a few times, reaching for the water bottle to hand to her. A warm feeling rested within Yuqi's chest when Soyeon twisted the cap of the water back on for her and started to hum softly, lulling her to sleep. 

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