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"Soyeon! Come outside with me!" Yuqi yelled from the backyard, spinning around happily.

Soyeon opened the sliding glass door "NO. Are you insane? It's fucking pouring rain!"

"Come onnn, please?"

"No," Soyeon said firmly, closing the door.

Yuqi had her fun time, dancing solo in the rain, until she saw Soyeon slide the door open. "Yuqi.. if you're out there for any longer you're going to catch a cold."

Yuqi sighed, nodding in agreement and jogging back inside. "Thank you for caring~" She peppered Soyeon's face with kisses while trapping her inside of a big hug.

"YUQI!! You're making me wet!!" Soyeon tried to escape the hug to no avail.

"Oh, am I?" Yuqi let go and smirked suddenly.

Soyeon's cheeks burned red before she angrily pointed for Yuqi to go into her room and change into dry clothes. 

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