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Yuqi wrapped her arms around Soyeon to prevent her from standing up.

"Yuqi, what is it?" Soyeon looked at her with a smile, but inside she was a little annoyed. She was just about to take a shower.

"Soyeon," Yuqi says, sitting up and dragging Soyeon up with her, "can we shower together?"

Soyeon's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why would we do that? I can clean myself perfectly fine, I don't need you to help me...? And you're capable, you're able to clean yourself too—"

"No, it's not about that," Yuqi whines, "it's just bonding time." She looked at Soyeon with the best pleading eyes that she could muster, hoping that she'd say yes.

"We can have bonding time after my shower," Soyeon laughs, getting up and going into the bathroom before Yuqi can grab her again.


"Hey," Yuqi kisses Soyeon's nose sweetly.

"Why on my nose?" Soyeon looks up at Yuqi in their bed, her brow raised.

"I don't know," Yuqi aims a kiss on her chin, but Soyeon tilts her head to capture her lips. Yuqi opens her mouth slightly, melting when Soyeon's tongue slithered into her mouth. She pulled back, leaving Soyeon confused with her mouth half open and her tongue out.

"Yah, I still want to kiss you," Soyeon pouts.

"I need to take a shower," Yuqi chuckles at how cute Soyeon looks when she's pouting. She sits up in the bed and holds her hand out. Soyeon takes it, Yuqi practically able to see the question about to fall from her lips. So, before Soyeon can ask why Yuqi wanted to hold her hand she asks, "Shower with me?"

Soyeon rolls her eyes. "This again?"

Yuqi huffs, "Why won't you?"

"What are we even going to do in there?" Soyeon's gaze hardens as she stares at Yuqi, drawing her hand out of the younger's grip.

"Is it wrong that I want to see you without your clothes on?" Yuqi shouldn't have said that. She should've known that Soyeon wasn't ready. "Soyeon, that's not what I meant–"

"No!" Soyeon stands up and walks out of the room, not sparing Yuqi another glance.


The next night, again, Yuqi and Soyeon are lying in bed. But this time it's awkward. Soyeon is worried that Yuqi's going to ask that same question, and Yuqi is worried about Soyeon being upset with her.

"I'm sorry," Yuqi starts. She should have said that this morning when they had breakfast together, before they went to work. But that doesn't matter, she said it now. "I just.. I want to take care of you."

Soyeon clenches her teeth. "How?"

"I know you're tired after work. I want to bathe you and clothe you and tuck you in at night so that you can relax." Yuqi looks away, embarrassed.

Soyeon's eyes were fearful. "So you're not going to...?"

"To what?"

"I- I thought you wanted to take a shower with me because you wanted to trap me in the bathroom," Soyeon's breath falters, and she can't look at Yuqi anymore. Actually, looking at anything is not good right now. She just closes her eyes.

"Soyeon..." Yuqi hugs her gently, "why would I ever want to trap you in the bathroom?"

"I don't know," Soyeon cries into Yuqi's shoulder, barely able to breathe within the smell of her own body odor from her long day working. "T-to rape me?" Her voice is quiet and small, unlike herself.

Yuqi holds her tighter. She doesn't know what to say. She's never.. She doesn't know how to comfort Soyeon right now. "I would never do that to you," she whispers into her ear kindly. "Soyeon, I would never, ever, do that to you."

"I know I just- I'm scared," Soyeon buries her face in the sleeve of Yuqi's shirt, still crying.

"Is this what you've been worried about?" Yuqi asks softly.

"Yeah," Soyeon sniffs.

Yuqi pulls back, her arms still around her. "Hey, look at me," she murmurs. Soyeon raises her head, scared. "We can shower separately forever if you want to."

"N-no," Soyeon stutters, wiping her tears, "I'll do it."

Yuqi sits up, raising a brow. "Are you sure?"

Soyeon raises her hand to face level, sticking out her pinky finger. "You have to promise not to... you know."

Yuqi smiles, sticking out her own pinky and locking it with Soyeon's. "Of course. I promise not to ever hurt you, Jeon Soyeon." She slowly untangled their fingers and stood up off of the bed to make her way into the bathroom. She waited for Soyeon to follow her, making sure to show her that she would keep the door open so Soyeon can leave whenever she wants to.

Yuqi lifted her shirt over her head, her pants quickly following. She reached forward, tugging on Soyeon's shirt. "Is this okay?" Soyeon nods, raising her arms to help Yuqi take the fabric off of her. Next, she removes Soyeon's pants, leaving them both in their underwear.

Soyeon bit her lip. "I want to do yours.."

Yuqi swallows. "Okay." Soyeon slowly reaches behind Yuqi to unclasp her bra, impressed with the younger's confidence to show herself to Soyeon. She then takes away Yuqi's panties, leaving her bare.

"Can I?" Yuqi smiles tenderly, touching Soyeon on her hip. She gets a small nod in response, but that's not enough for her. "Soyeonnie, I need to hear you say it."

"Y-yeah. Yes, you can undress me, Yuqi."

Yuqi takes away Soyeon's remaining items of clothing, holding back a giggle at how she tried to cover herself with her hands. "Hey," she whispers, cupping her face and prompting her to open her eyes. "It's just me, see?"

Soyeon released a breath onto Yuqi's skin, relieved as she could only see Yuqi looking at her like this. She didn't look at her like.. like that guy had. Her eyes were soft, not dominative, her hands gentle, not rough. Soyeon allowed herself to relax as Yuqi led her into the shower. She sighed, feeling quite calm as Yuqi's soft hands grazed over her body, lathering her in soap and respectful about not touching her in any private areas.

"Yuqi," Soyeon says loudly, so that she can hear her above the water.

"Are you oka– oh," Yuqi smiles as Soyeon wraps her arms around her. Soyeon felt safety envelop her as their naked bodies pressed together. Yuqi smiles harder, returning the hug. 

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