Chapter 1

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*Lucy and Tim have been dating for a year and live at Lucy's apartment as it is closer to the station. Everyone at the police station is aware. Lucy works either undercover or as a police officer and Tim as a Sergeant*

*At the station*

*Lucy was riding with Nolan and Tim stayed at the station to do some paperwork*

*After Nolan and her parked the car, Lucy went straight to Tim's office*

Lucy : Hey Tim, how was your day ?
Tim : Hello Lucy, like a normal day, what about you ?
Lucy : Nolan and I arrested some guys but no big problems. Did you finish your work ?
Tim : not yet, but you know what ? Work can wait, do you wanna go to the restaurant tonight ?
Lucy : oh I'd love to.
Tim : go get change then.

*They both go get change in the lockers room*

Tim : ready to go ?
Lucy : yep, I'm hungry.
Tim : me too.

*They both go to Tim's truck. He opened the passenger's door to Lucy*

Lucy : wow, such a gentleman.

*Tim kisses her and goes to the driver's seat*
*During the ride, he put his right hand on Lucy's thigh*

*They arrive at an Italian restaurant*

Waiter : Ciao signora e signor, what would you like to eat ?
Lucy : I'll have a Pizza Regina *(ham, mushrooms and mozzarella)* please with a glass of wine.
Tim : I'll take the same thing.
Lucy: But you don't like mushrooms babe.
Tim : oh yeah you're right, so I'll take a pepperoni pizza.
Waiter : with a glass of wine too ?
Tim : yes please.
Waiter : okay, I'm going to get your order to the chef.

Tim : you know me better than I know myself
Lucy : that was not difficult to remember that you don't like mushrooms, you told me almost everyday since I was your boot.
Tim : *with a big smile* that's right

*A few minutes later*

Waiter : here's your pizzas.

*They eat their dinner talking about work*

*After they finish their pizzas*

Tim : do you want a desert ?
Lucy : No I don't, the pizza was big enough, do you order one ?
Tim : I don't either, I'm full.
Lucy : Then let's pay and go home, I'm tired.
Tim : I'm paying.
Lucy : no, I do
Tim : absolutely not, I wanna offer your dinner.
Lucy : well, I'm paying next time.
Tim : we'll see that later.

*Tim pays and Lucy and him go to the car and drive to Lucy's apartment.*

Lucy : *unlocks the door* I'm going to change myself into some comfy clothes. *She goes to the bedroom*
Tim : *follows her and watches her while she takes off her clothes. He takes off his shirt.* You sure you wanna put some clothes ?
Lucy : *sees him half naked* well, maybe not.

*They walk to each other and start kissing. Lucy puts her hands on Tim's shoulders as he has his own on Lucy's cheeks. Tim grabs Lucy and puts her on the bed*

*After a while, they lie next to each other in bed*

Lucy : *has her head on Tim's heart* I love you
Tim : I love you too honey.

*Lucy falls asleep listening to Tim's heartbeat*
*Tim kisses her forehead and falls asleep*

*The next day, they wake up at 6:30 to go to work*

Tim : I go make breakfast.
Lucy : thanks babe, I'm going to get dressed.

*After an hour, they leave for work*

*At the station*

Grey : Agent Chen, do you have UC work with Harper today ?
Lucy : no sir.
Grey : then you'll ride with Thorsen.
Lucy : no problem sir.

*Lucy and Aaron put the war bags in the back of the shop and go on patrol*
*They are called to arrest 2 men who have kidnapped a young girl*

*At the location*
Lucy : I go first, you follow me.
Aaron : yes ma'am

Lucy : *enters, followed by Aaron, they see the hotage and the 2 men* HANDS UP WHERE I CAN SEE THEM NOW

*Aaron and Lucy point their gun to the kidnappers*

Man 1 : oh shit the police.
Man 2 : *shoots Aaron and Lucy*

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