Chapter 104

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*In the waiting room*

*Lucy sits anxiously, her mind racing with worry for Tim. She tries to distract herself by flipping through an old magazine, but her thoughts keep drifting back to Tim and his struggles*

Lucy: *to herself* Come on, Tim. You can do this.

*Lucy is so focused and worried that she doesn't hear Angela enter the waiting room*

Angela : Lucy ?
Lucy : *startles*
Angela : don't worry it's me Lucy
Lucy : oh Angela, sorry I didn't recognize you
Angela : what are you doing here ? Is Tim okay ?
Lucy : yeah yeah don't worry, he's okay, he's just at he's rehab session, but you, what are you doing here ? You okay ?
Angela : yes I'm fine, I just came to question a patient as part of an investigation
Lucy : oh okay
Angela : so, how is doing Tim?
Lucy : outside of the hospital he's absolutely fine, but when we arrived he...
Angela : what happened ?
Lucy : he had a severe panic attack ?
Angela : oh no why ?
Lucy : probably because of the memories he has of this place. You should have seen him, he couldn't breathe, he begged me to take him home, I almost listened to him up and took him home. I... I...

*Lucy's crying*

Angela : hey Lucy it's okay, come here *she hugs her and rubs her back* you managed to calm him down and get him into the hospital, that's very good
Lucy : I know it's for his own good but I hate seeing him in this state, you should have seen him, he... he was...
Angela : Lucy, shhhh he's okay now, he's with his physiotherapist

*Lucy stops hugging Angela*

Lucy : *wipes away her tears* I'm sorry, you have work to do and I'm bothering you
Angela : no absolutely not, the man I came to see won't leave the hospital now, I'm gonna wait with you 'til Tim gets out of his session
Lucy : you sure ?
Angela : absolutely

*Back in the rehab room*

*Conrad guides Tim through the last few exercises, impressed by Tim's determination and progress. As they finish up, Conrad offers Tim some words of encouragement*

Conrad: *smiling* Well done, Tim. You're really starting to regain your strength.
Tim: *proudly* Thanks, Conrad. I couldn't have done it without your help.
Conrad: we're done for today, you can go home, see you again in 2 days
Tim: yes thank you Conrad
Conrad: and if you have aches, don't hesitate to take paracetamol
Tim: okay

*In the waiting room*

*Lucy's heart skips a beat as Tim finally emerges from the rehab room, a tired but triumphant smile on his face. She rushes to his side, enveloping him in a warm hug*

Lucy: *relieved* You did it, Tim! I knew you could.
Tim: *grinning* Thanks, Lucy. I couldn't have done it without you.

*Angela approaches*

Tim : hey Angela, what are you doing here ?
Angela : I came to question a witness and I saw Lucy waiting for you so I stayed with her
Tim : you're so kind
Angela : I gotta go see this witness
Tim : good luck
Lucy : and thank you Angela, don't hesitate to come by the house with Wesley
Angela : If he doesn't finish work too late we'll come by early in the evening
Lucy : no problem

*Outside the hospital*

*Tim and Lucy walk to the parking lot, the weight of the hospital slowly lifting from Tim's shoulders with each step.*
Tim: *breathing in the fresh air* Feels good to be out of there, doesn't it?
Lucy: *nodding* Definitely. Now, What if we picked up a McDonald's to eat at home?
Tim: *smiling* Sounds perfect, Lucy.

*During the car ride to the McDonald's*

Lucy : so what did you do with Conrad ?
Tim : The same as usual, I tried to walk without the crutches but it's still complicated
Lucy : It's going to come back

*At the McDonald's drive-thru they ordered their meal before going back home to eat*

*At home*

*Tim and Lucy sit down to eat on the kitchen counter*

Tim: *taking Lucy's hand across the table* You know, Lucy, I couldn't ask for a better partner in this journey.
Lucy: *squeezing Tim's hand* Right back at you, Tim. We're in this together, no matter what.
Tim: *smiles* Thanks for everything you did today, Lucy. You're my rock.

Lucy: *returning his smile* And you're mine, Tim. Always.

*Then Tim and Lucy sink onto the couch, their exhaustion catching up with them. They cuddle while watching TV*

Tim: *wrapping his arms around Lucy* I love you, Lucy.
Lucy: *resting her head on Tim's chest* I love you too, Tim.

*They stay in silence for 10 minutes before Lucy breaks it*

Lucy : you know Tim?
Tim : *no answer*
Lucy: Tim ?

*She looks at him and sees him asleep. She grabs the folded blanket on the sofa, snuggles up against Tim and puts the blanket on them, then she falls asleep too*

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