Chapitre 10

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*At 6 a.m.*

*Lucy wakes up*

Lucy : Tim, Tim
Tim : *opens his eyes* do you have a problem ?
Lucy : I need to go to the bathroom
Tim : do you want me to call a nurse ?
Lucy : no, can you help me ?
Tim : ofc

*Tim catches Lucy's IV and helps her stand up*

Tim : Lean on me

*Lucy bounces to the bathroom as she has a broken foot*

Lucy : Tim, I feel dizzy, I think I'm gonna throw up

*Tim helps her to go to the toilet*

*Lucy throws up, Tim holds her hair*

Tim : you okay ?
Lucy *shakes her head no and faints in Tim's arms*
Tim : Lucy, Luce babe, do you hear me ? *Shouting* I NEED A DOCTOR ROOM 221

*A doctor runs into the room*

Doctor : what happened ?
Tim : she wanted to go to the bathroom, I helped her, but she felt dizzy, threw up and fainted. What's her problem Doc ?
Doctor : *reads Lucy's file* that's probably because of her head trauma, that happens a lot.
Tim : so she'll be fine ?
Doctor : I'll call someone to help put her on the bed to check her vitals.
Tim : it's okay, I can carry her.

*Tim carries Lucy to her bed while the doctor rolls her IV*

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