Chapter 72

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*Next morning, they wake up and eat their breakfast*

Lucy : hey Tim, look, you are getting better and better at holding your spoon
Tim : yes but it's not there yet
Lucy : it's normal, you only had one rehabilitation session
Tim : yes but I thought it would be quicker and easier
Lucy : *laughs* you have to have obstacles to overcome, you're Tim Bradford, if it was too easy it wouldn't be worthy of you
Tim : *laughs*

*Someone knocks at the door*

Angela : hello
Wesley : hi
Tim : hey guys
Lucy : how are you
Angela : we're fine and you ?
Tim : us too
Wesley : we are here to explain to you Tim what we found conclusive for the trial
Tim : when will it take place ?
Wesley : 2 weeks
Tim : it's coming
Wesley : *takes documents out of his briefcase* OK so you are aware that your case and Lucy's are actually just one case
Tim : yes
Wesley : so if we summarize the facts, Lucy's kidnappers are dead, so we are suing their leader
Tim : Rosalind Dyer
Angela : exactly
Wesley : when you were unconscious, Angela and Nyla's team found the guy who hurt you
Tim : really ? Who is it ?
Wesley : his name is Stephen Romanoff, *shows a picture to Tim* do you know him ?
Tim : absolutely not
Wesley : he was not working alone
Tim : he was working for Rosalind I suppose
Wesley : exactly, and he confessed. He told us that Rosalind hired him to kill you because Chris and Caleb failed to kill Lucy. Rosalind told herself that by killing you, she would psychologically harm Lucy
Tim : she's such a sociopath
Angela : that's not a scoop
Lucy : I think everyone knows that
Tim : what I don't get is how did he hurt me ?
Lucy : you remember before going to the beach you ordered burgers
Tim : yes
Lucy : there was a substance inside that you ingested while eating. Then on the beach, this guy, Stephen, passed by us with some kind of gas, when you breathed this gas, it mixed with the substance, which prevented you from breathing properly and gradually damaged your lungs, fortunately you were taken care of quickly
Tim : but Lucy, you ate a burger too that day, why was it only me who was impacted? How did this Stephen know which burger was mine?
Lucy : he had no clue, there was probably the same substance in my burger but since I ate very little I must not have ingested enough
Tim : I didn't even know this kind of attack was possible.
Angela : because it's a new form of attack, mainly used by terrorists for several months
Tim : Stephen must rot in jail
Wesley : we'll do everything in our power to make him go to jail and put Rosalind on death row. I am not gonna go into all the details of the criminal procedure and the elements which will be used at the time of the trial, it is too technical and it concerns my pleading, the most important thing is that you know what happened and that we will succeed in winning this trial
Tim : I have all my trust in you Wesley, you are an excellent lawyer, you seem to have everything it takes to convince the judge, now you have the freedom of Stephen and Rosalind in your hands
Wesley : don't forget, I'm talking to you two Tim and Lucy, you will be questioned by the judge or the DA. You have to insist for a long time on the fact that you had a bad experience, you still have nightmares... This could help us win
Lucy : There won't even be a need to lie, the truth is enough
Angela : With everything you've been through, yes
Lucy : will other witnesses be questioned?
Wesley : of course, Angela will be because she drove Tim to the hospital and before that, she spent a week with him during the research for Lucy
Tim : you were there too Wesley
Wesley : yes but I'm the lawyer, I can add my personal opinion but not like the witnesses
Tim : oh okay
Wesley : But that won't be a problem since Nyla will be questioned too, Grey as your employer and chief of the police department who arrested Stephen and Rosalind, Aaron too because he was present at the time of Lucy's kidnapping, he will have to relate the facts. And Nolan asked to be listened as a close friend of the victims
Lucy : so everyone has to be questioned by the judge
Wesley : yes
Tim : only Smitty would be missing
Angela : he wouldn't bring anything interesting, this guy is completely lost all day long

*The 4 friends laugh*

Angela : well, we've been here for a while, I told Grey that I would be late because I had to come see you but maybe I will not abuse his kindness, plus, Nyla is waiting for me
Wesley : and I have an appointment at the DA's office, so I gotta go too
Tim : thank you very much you two, have a good day and be safe
Angela : promise, bye
Lucy : bye

NB : I would like to point out that the attack that Tim suffered may not even exist, I wanted to create something new to separate my story from reality.
I wanna warn that I don't know very well the procedure to follow for a criminal trial in the United States so I will base my story on what I learned from the procedure to follow in France and what we can see in the American films/series

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