Chapter 36

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Wesley : hey girls, time for lunch, wanna go to the restaurant ?
Angela : yep
Nyla : nope, I promised to James will eat together today
Angela : Lucy ?
Lucy : no I prefer to stay here and wait 'til we find Stephen
Angela : come on Lucy, my team will call us if they find him
Lucy : no thanks, I don't wanna bother
Wesley : you don't bother
Angela : yes come with us it'll be great
Lucy : okay
Wesley : where do you wanna go girls ?
Angela : I don't know, any idea Lucy?
Lucy : I don't know either
Wesley : well, you're not helping me girls *laughs*
Angela : what do you think of a restaurant in Chinatown?
Wesley : yes good idea
Lucy: *nods yes*
Angela : okay let's go
Lucy : wait, did you see my crutches?
Angela : you had them when we came to my desk, they should be very far
Wesley : I got 'em, they must have fallen *gives them to Lucy*
Lucy : now we can go, you sure you don't prefer to go out to eat alone? I don't want to impose myself
Angela : Lucy, we told you to come with us, you're our friend
Lucy : *grins*
Wesley : let's go

*They go to the parking lot*

Wesley : give me your crutches Lucy, I'll put 'em in the trunk
Lucy : *gives them* thank you
Angela : *opens the passenger door* get in the car Lucy
Lucy : no, you go in front, I go in the back
Angela : I refuse, you go in the front, you need some space for your foot
Lucy : okay thank you

*They drive to a restaurant in the Chinatown neighborhood*

Waiter : good morning, have you reserved ?
Wesley : no we haven't
Waiter : no problem, you need a table for 3 persons ?
Wesley : yes please, and if it's possible, a quiet place
Waiter : fine, follow me

*They walk through the restaurant*

Waiter : *showing a table* is that good for you ?
Wesley : perfect thank you
Waiter : I come back with the menu

*The trio sits at the table, the waiter comes back*

Waiter : here the menu, tell me when you have made your choice
Wesley : thanks

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