Chapter 58

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*Tim's POV*

Angela : I texted Wesley, he's on his way, he's so excited to see you
Tim : *chuckles*
Angela : how are you feeling?
Tim : *whispers* not that bad, can't really speak
Angela : Don't worry, it won't last, in a few days you will be able to speak normally again
Tim : *whispers* how was Lucy ?
Angela : She was devastated. With Wesley we didn't want her to stay alone at your apartment, we brought her at our house. She wasn't eating. She spent most of the time crying. Everytime she was sleeping, she was dreaming of you, she asked for you. But now you're here, you're awake
Tim : *whispers* I'm sorry
Angela : that's not your fault Tim
Tim : thanks for being there for Lucy
Angela : that's normal

*Lucy comes back. She sits back on her bed and rests her head on Tim's shoulder. Tim puts his hand on her's*

Angela : you called Grey ?
Lucy : yes, John and Nyla too, to warn them
Angela : I texted Wesley he's coming

*1 hour later*

*Knock knock knock*

Lucy : maybe it's the doctor, YES ?

*The door opens*

Nyla : surprise
Lucy : hey how are you ?
Nyla : I'm not alone
John : hi
Grey : hello
Wesley : I met them in the hallway
Nyla : we're so glad to see you Tim
Tim : *smiles*
Grey : how do you feel ?
Tim : *whispers* could be worse
Lucy : he can't really talk for now because of the tube he had in his throat, it hurts him
John : knowing you Tim, in a short time you will be yelling at us because we are not at work
Tim : *laughs* that's not my type at all
Nyla : let me doubt about it

*Everyone laughs*

Tim : how's the station with just one sergeant ?
Grey : we don't need two sergeant, my work is enough to lead the team
Nyla : he's kidding, he has a lot of work
Tim : *smiles* *whispers* I don't know when I'll be back, not anytime soon
Grey : don't worry about that, take your time to recover, we want to see you at work at your best sergeant Bradford
Lucy : he'll have no other choice but to be serious during his rehabilitation, I'll watch over it
Grey : and you Chen, how are you ?
Chen : much better since Tim woke up but the doctor didn't tell me when I'll be able to go back to work
Grey : don't worry about that, take your time
Nyla : guys, we should let Tim and Lucy get some rest, it's already 6:25 p.m.
Grey : Harper's right, we should go, plus my wife is waiting for me for dinner
Nyla : bye guys, get some rest
John : good night

*Grey, John and Nyla leave the hospital, Angela and Wesley stay a bit longer*

Wesley : Tim, following the investigation that the LAPD carried out to find out who wanted to kill you, the court should rule in a month, unless it postpones your hearing. Your case is related to Lucy's, We're not going to go into details now, we'll explain in more depth later, but you just need to know that your hearing will take place at the same time as Lucy's. She had to decide for you who would represent you, she wanted me to be your lawyer, obviously if you want another attorney, you just have to let me know so that I can forward the file
Tim : *whispers* I don't want anyone but you
Wesley : fine, it makes the process easier With Angela we will explain to you who the accused is in your case when you are rested
Tim : thank you
Wesley : that's fine
Angela : we'll let you get some rest too. I'll come tomorrow to check on you
Tim : bye
Lucy : good night

*Angela and Wesley leave the room*

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