Chapter 16

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Tim : hope it'll be life imprisonment. Wesley, do you think she kidnapped Lucy because she wanted to get revenge for being caught by the police ?
Wesley : idk, but we could make her admit if you think it's the reason
Tim : I think it is. But what I don't understand is that she kidnapped Lucy and not me, but she was arrested by Lucy and me before ending up in prison. She could have taken revenge on me too.
Lucy : maybe she was scared of you
Tim : *laughs*
Lucy : Wesley, When do you think the trial will take place?
Wesley : it could be long but I'll try to accelerate the process
Lucy : great thank you

*Angela stands up*

Angela : we'll let you guys get some rest
Tim : thx for everything you two
Angela : I'll try to pass see you tomorrow after work

*Tim and Lucy say goodbye to Angela and Wesley*

*Lucy is sitting on the couch, Tim accompanies Angela and Wesley to the door*

Tim : *returns to Lucy* we should go to bed
Lucy : I'm exhausted
Tim : me too, let me help you go to the bedroom. *He helps her to put on her pajamas* tell me if I'm too rude, I don't wanna hurt you.

*Tim examines her bruises and checks her bandages*

Lucy : *sees a worried look on his face* what's the problem
Tim : I'll have to change your bandages later, but I'm scared to hurt you more
Lucy : you'll be the best doctor, don't worry
Tim : *kisses her and puts her pajamas* now lie down, I'm coming, I have to take something

*After 2 minutes, Tim comes back with a pillow*

Lucy : what's that for ?
Tim : for your foot *he puts it below her right foot*
Lucy : thank you, you're so cute
Tim : *kisses her forehead*

*Tim goes on the other side of the bed and lies down, Lucy gets closer to him and puts her head on his chest*

Lucy : I love you Tim
Tim : I love you too Lucy, you should sleep *kisses her in the hair*

*After a few minutes, Lucy's asleep on Tim, he rubs her back and falls asleep 10 minutes later*

*However, in the middle of the night...*

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