Chapter 86

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Wesley : your Honor, it is clear from the evidence presented that my clients, Lucy and Tim, have suffered unimaginable trauma at the hands of the defendants, Stephen Romanoff and Rosalind Dyer. Their actions were not only criminal but calculated, with the sole intent of inflicting harm upon two innocent individuals. We must hold them accountable for their heinous deeds and ensure that justice is served.

Matt : Your honor,  I urge you to consider the full scope of this case before rendering your verdict. While the suffering endured by Lucy and Tim is indeed tragic, my clients, Stephen and Rosalind, were themselves victims of circumstance. Stephen was manipulated by Rosalind, who exploited his vulnerabilities to further her own agenda. It is crucial that we recognize the distinction between perpetrator and pawn in this complex web of deceit.

Wesley : With all due respect, Mr. Murdock, the evidence clearly demonstrates that both defendants played active roles in orchestrating the attempted murder of Lucy and Tim. Rosalind may have been the mastermind, but Stephen willingly carried out her commands, knowing full well the consequences of his actions. Their culpability cannot be understated, and it is our duty to ensure that they are held accountable for the devastation they have wrought.

Matt : While it is true that Stephen's actions cannot be excused, we must also consider the mitigating factors at play here. Rosalind, a woman already incarcerated for her crimes, wielded a considerable influence over him, manipulating him to do her bidding. Stephen was ensnared in her web of deceit, his judgment clouded by her persuasive rhetoric. It is not a question of absolving him of responsibility but rather acknowledging the extent of Rosalind's control over him.

Wesley : The fact remains that Lucy and Tim have suffered irreparable harm as a direct result of the defendants' actions. Their lives have been forever altered by the trauma they have endured, and it is our duty to seek justice on their behalf. We cannot allow the defendants to evade accountability for their crimes, regardless of the mitigating circumstances surrounding their involvement.

Matt : And yet, in our pursuit of justice, we must not lose sight of the truth. Stephen and Rosalind are not cold-hearted criminals but individuals caught in the crossfire of a much larger conspiracy. It is my hope that you will carefully consider all the evidence presented and render a verdict that reflects not only the letter of the law but also the principles of fairness and compassion.

*The debate continues, with each lawyer passionately advocating for their respective clients*

Specter : okay thank you Misters Evers and Murdock, we will now leave the room to deliberate

*Specter and Del Monte go out of the courtroom*

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