Chapter 74

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*At the rehabilitation center*

Conrad : hey Tim, I'm back with someone
Tim : Lucy ?
Conrad : she's here to see your progress. Can you show her ?
Tim : *nods*
Conrad : okay then you can start again the exercise you were doing before the break

*Tim tries several times but fails*

Tim : *discouraged* I... I can't
Lucy : yes you can Tim, your a warrior, come on, stand up and walk towards me, you can do it Tim
Tim : no... I can't... It... It hurts *a tear rolls over his face*
Conrad : where ?
Tim : my legs
Conrad : It's aches, it's normal, do you really wanna stop for now ?
Lucy : come on Tim, you can do it, just one time, you can't stay on failure
Conrad : Lucy's right
Tim : o... okay

*Tim stands up, he takes a step, then a second, a third, a fourth until he reaches Lucy where he falls into her arms*

Lucy : *happy* yes Tim, you did it, I told you, I'm super proud of you
Tim : *cries because of a mix of joy, fatigue and pain in Lucy's arms*
Lucy : *kisses his forehead* you're so strong my love, you can be proud of yourself. And look, we're hugging while standing, you're making a lot of progress, congratulations
Conrad : well done Tim, I knew you could do it

*Tim's legs give out and he falls to his knees. Lucy prevents him from falling violently*

Conrad : wow take it easy, let me help you sit down on the wheelchair

*Tim sits down on the wheelchair*

Conrad : you can go back to your room, Do you want me to accompany you?
Lucy : no it's okay, I can push Tim's wheelchair
Conrad : okay, see you tomorrow Tim
Tim : bye

*Back in their room*

Lucy : you should call Angela to tell him that you walked
Tim : that's not a big deal, I'm 39, I should be able to walk
Lucy : Tim, you know very well that this is normal and that all the progress you make is great to take into account
Tim : okay let's call her

*Lucy takes her phone to make a video call to Angela*

Angela : hi Lucy
Lucy : hello Angela, how are you ?
Angela : great and you
Lucy : I'm okay
Angela : do you need something ?
Lucy : Tim wanted to tell you something
Angela : oh okay
Tim : hey Angela
Angela : how are you Tim ?
Tim : fine but tired I just got out of my rehabilitation session
Angela : you wanted to tell me something?
Tim : yes, I walked during the rehab session
Angela : are you kidding ?
Tim : I don't
Angela : that's great Tim
Tim : that was just a few steps, and I was holding a bar
Angela : but Tim, it's still great, congratulations
Tim : I wouldn't have done it if Lucy hadn't been there. By failing I wanted to give up, but Lucy encouraged me
Lucy : I just did what you did with me Angela, encourage me
Angela : It's teamwork
Lucy : absolutely

*Lucy and Angela have a video call for 30 minutes. Tim fell asleep on Lucy's shoulder*

Angela : I'm sorry I have to return to my work
Lucy : yeah no problem, sorry for bothering you
Angela : no it's okay, you can call whener you want or you need. And congratulations again Tim
Lucy : oh he fell asleep *she points the camera at Tim*
Angela : he was exhausted
Lucy : yes
Angela : get some rest too Lucy
Lucy : yes, bye
Angela : bye

*They hang up and Lucy kisses Tim forehead and falls asleep too*

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