Chapter 35

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Lucy : so, what do you want me to do ?
Angela : can you come with Nyla and I to watch the video surveillances
Lucy : yep

*Lucy sits at Angela's desk*

Nyla : *whispers to Angela* At least it might change her mind a little carrying out the investigation
Angela : *whispering* I hope, that's why I told her we needed her
Angela : *normal voice* let's watch the videos

*They watch the videos*

Lucy : here that's Tim's car
Angela : okay let's pay very strict attention from now on

*A few seconds later*

Lucy : now we walk to the beach with Tim *pauses* did you see this black car ?
Nyla : It parks right in front of the CCTV camera. Let's see who gets out of this car
Angela : I'll check if this is a stolen car. *She pauses the video to look for the numberplate* the car was not declared stolen, it belongs to a certain Stephen Romanoff, 36, American-Russian, known by the NYPD. According to this file, he attacked a woman in NYC the same way as Tim. The NYPD didn't have enough charges to keep him in custody, so officers had to release him. But, few days later, the man's lungs crashed and he died. When the NYPD wanted to arrest him for murder, the officers couldn't because he had left the state. Since then, the FBI has been looking for him everywhere but has not been able to find him. So he might be in California, here in LA. So let's see if it's him. *She plays the video*
Nyla : this man looks exactly like the man in the NYPD picture
Angela : we have to see if he spreads smoke next to Tim and Lucy

*1 minute later*

Nyla : here, he holds a kind of box where smoke comes from. He is very close to Tim and Lucy while there is plenty of space
Angela : we have to find him and question him. I hope he'll confess. *Speaks up* listen to me everyone, I want every agents looking for Stephen Romanoff, you'll receive his picture by mail within a couple of minutes, is that okay for everyone?
Agents : yes ma'am

*Angela sends the E-mail*

Angela : *to Lucy* now everyone is looking for him, we'll find him

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