Chapter 108

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*Tim and Lucy get out of the locker room*
Tim: Hi Chen, feels good to be back in uniform, doesn't it?
Lucy: definitely Bradford. It's been too long.
Tim: I've missed the feeling of wearing it, the sense of purpose it brings.
Lucy: Me too. It's like we're finally getting back to our normal lives.
Tim: Speaking of which, we should go check in with Angela and Nyla. See what they've been up to.
Lucy: Good idea. Let's go.

*They make their way to Angela and Nyla's desk.*

Angela: Hey, you two! Look who decided to grace us with their presence.
Nyla: Yeah, we thought you guys might've forgotten where the station was.
Tim: Never. We just wanted to make an entrance.
Lucy: Sorry for the delay. We had some things to discuss with Sergeant Grey.
Angela: Oh? What about?
Lucy: Well, it's about our return to work. There are some conditions we have to follow.
Nyla: Conditions? What kind of conditions?
Tim: Nothing major. Just some adjustments to our schedule and duties.
Lucy: doctor's conditions
Nyla: oh
Tim: yes, unfortunately. No patrol until further notice. And we can't work a 12-hours-shift like we normally do
Angela: it's just the beginning. What are your schedules
Tim: we work from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m
Nyla: no lunch break ?
Tim: yes, from 12 to 2 a.m.
Angela: that is what we call working hours in public administration
Lucy: exactly

*Everyone laughs*

Angela: but, are you guys okay with that?
Lucy: Yeah, it's necessary for now. We're just happy to be back.
Tim: And we don't have much choice if we want to return to work
Nyla: Well, as long as you're okay with it. We're glad to have you back on the team.
Tim: Thanks, Nyla. It feels good to be back.
Angela: So, what's the plan for today?
Lucy: I'm going to help you and Nyla with whatever you need.
Angela: Great! We could use the extra hands.
Tim: And I'll head to my office and start sorting out all the paperwork a Sergeant normally does. After all this time without work, I must have plenty
Nyla: I don't think you have that much. Since we didn't know when you would return, Sergeant Grey did the administrative work you usually do.
Tim: oh, I'll have to thank him then when I see him
Nyla: Enough talking for now. Let's get to the job.

*Tim approaches Lucy to kiss her but she pulls back*

Lucy: *whispers* no Tim, not at work when we're in uniform
Tim: but everyone knows for us
Angela: And we've suspected it since before you even realized it yourself
Lucy: yes but, technically he's my superior
Tim: Grey is your superior, I'm lower ranking than him
Lucy: Yes but that still makes you my boss
Tim: okay then, I'll kiss you at home, shall we eat together for lunch?
Lucy: yes, I'll meet you in the break room
Tim: okay, see you later

*They all split up to tackle their respective tasks*

*In Tim's office*

*Tim looks at his computer wallpaper. It's a picture of Lucy and him*

*Tim takes his phone and search for Angela's number to write her a text*

*Text chat between Tim and Angela* :
Tim: Angela, when U have a moment, can we see each other, I need to see U. Alone
Angela: you wanna kidnap me ? 🤔
Tim: yes, that's why
Tim: I'm kidding 😝 no I just need to talk to U, in private
Angela: np Tim
Tim: thanks Angela

*Back to reality*

*Tim does his job and 1 hour later, someone is knocking at his door*

Tim: come in
Angela: it's just me, you wanted to talk
Tim: oh Angela, you were quick
Angela: When you tell me you need to talk, I'll get there ASAP
Tim: does Lucy know you are here ?
Angela: no, I didn't tell her, not even Nyla
Tim: thank you
Angela: Stop being so mysterious, what did you want to talk about?
Tim: I wanted to talk to you about something personal, about Lucy
Angela: Don't tell me there's a problem between you? I wouldn't accept it if you broke up. You're so cute together
Tim: *surprised* what are you talking about Angela ? I never considered breaking up with her, on the contrary, I want to propose to her and I needed your help
Angela: no way, really ?
Tim: yes, we've been dating for 2 years soon, we didn't see our 2nd year go by after everything that happened and almost losing her because of her kidnapping and my time spent in a coma made me realize how much I love her and want to spend my life with her
Angela: Tim, that's so cute
Tim: Angela, I need you to choose her engagement ring, we'll have to find an excuse to go shopping without Lucy without her suspecting something. Do you agree to help me?
Angela: of course Tim
Tim: thank you Angela

*Angela hugs Tim*

Angela: Do you know when and how you are going to make your proposal ?
Tim: yes, the day of our first date, and as for how I'm going to do it, for now it's a surprise, I'll let Lucy tell you about it
Angela: Unless I can guess first
Tim: you can try

*They laugh*

Angela: okay I should go back to Lucy and Nyla, otherwise they'll be suspicious
Tim: okay, and thanks again Angela
Angela: that's normal, I'm your BFF, that's what BFF do
Tim: *laughs*

*12 p.m.*

*Tim goes to the break room where he finds Lucy*

Tim: hey, where are Angela and Nyla ?
Lucy: they had to go check on something outside of the station
Tim: oh so, it's just you and me ?
Smitty: *lying on the couch of the break room* and me
Lucy: *surprised* whoa Smitty, you scared me to death
Tim: How long have you been here?
Smitty: I don't really know, for 30 minutes I would say, the work is too tiring so I rest
Tim: you know that your work is not going to be done by itself
Smitty: It can wait a bit, I will do it this afternoon
Tim: In any case, you Smitty, you haven't changed
Smitty: thanks for the compliment

*They eat their lunch*

Tim: *as they finish eating* wanna go to my office?
Lucy: How much break time do we have left?
Tim: It's 12:30 p.m. so 1.5 hour
Lucy: thanks

*Tim and Lucy goes to Tim's room and sit on the small couch*

*Lucy cuddles Tim*

Lucy: It was on this couch that I spent the day Stephen was interrogated
Tim: And it's on this same couch that I spent several days waiting for you to be found
Lucy: And now we're together
Tim: This is how it was supposed to be. First me alone, then you and the two of us together
Lucy: how was your first morning?
Tim: good, more tiring than I thought but it went well. What about you ?
Lucy: feels good to be back
Tim: yes

*Tim lies on the couch, Lucy lies against him with her head on his chest*

*After 15 minutes of silence, Lucy looks at Tim and notices his sleeping. She decides to let him sleep a bit. She sets an alarm at 1:45 p.m. so as not to forget to return to work and rests her head back on Tim's chest*

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